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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 12:45
Belldandy Gift

London Terror Attack, a dark day.

Topics Misc London Terror Attack, a dark day.
Today on 7 Jul 2005 London was attacked by terrorists on the transport network. At the time of this post, 33 ppl are confirmed dead and thousands more are injured.
Our hearts goes out to the victims and their family and friends.
But i urge the ppl of Britain to not give in and not be divided.
So low. I can never understand it. I try to, but I simply can't. The people who claimed the attack say to be a part of the 'European' branch of Al-Qaïda. They say that they'd already warned the British government and people, and that they had it coming to them. They also made a threat to Denmark and Italy, that the same thing would happen there if they didn't pull back their troops from Afghanistan.

Cowardly bastards.
i cant stand people like that :( Their sick for doing something as discusting, decrading, and selfish of this. selfish because they r using the lords name in vein for an ungust cause by thrusting religeon upon the backs of victims they dont know. Selfish because they steel the lives of people for the sake of getting their good for nothing word out! I hope these so called human beings get whats comming to them, im not saying we should go into war, im saying that i believe in god and he will punish them in the new life. For now i hope sociaty will find them and give them what t hey disserve life in prison, and despite my beliefs against it, death row.
I wouldn't go to such lenghts, Kitori-san. In a way...I think that they honestly believe they're doing the right thing. I can see why the western world would be 'evil' in their eyes. It's not right, absolutely not right. But killing them will only make them martyrs.
yea i know a few people who live in london, luckily they weren't on the trains when it happened. another friend was working about a mile from one of the stations. he was complaining that because of that he was shaking and couldn't do his work. what is the F-ing point in doing attacks like that, it doesn't cahnge anything accept for the fact that you've taken away someone thats important to someone else. and i had a bad feeling this morning as well, woke up and couldn't sleep again and then turn on the news to find that....its a sad world we live in...

I'm actually quite worried. A friend of mine lives in a town near Londen, and he has a job in the city. I haven't been able to contact him yet, so I'm quite anxious.
I really dont know anyone who lives in LONDON...but my friends on the net.....Im very sorry to hear about this....

I didnt hear about this until I was online and I saw post on threads about the Attacks in LONDON....

It's a time to mourn but also a time to get stronger.......

Im sorry
i'm actually quite proud how they handled the matter. the people weren't running around panicking and screaming, and the emergency forces were and still are working quickly and eficiently.
Yeah, I heard that too. Another friend of mine, this time a girl, went to volunteer yesterday. I'm proud of my lovely neihbours, even though there is a small sea in between us. ^-^
God speed to the police and security forces in capturing the doers of such evil.
QuoteOriginally posted by kitori (view)
i cant stand people like that :( Their sick for doing something as discusting, decrading, and selfish of this. selfish because they r using the lords name in vein for an ungust cause by thrusting religeon upon the backs of victims they dont know. Selfish because they steel the lives of people for the sake of getting their good for nothing word out! I hope these so called human beings get whats comming to them, im not saying we should go into war, im saying that i believe in god and he will punish them in the new life. For now i hope sociaty will find them and give them what t hey disserve life in prison, and despite my beliefs against it, death row.

I agree with kitori.In this world today we need to get use to terrist attacks.-_-
im not too happy with the media here in canada and america (depending on what station you view assuming so) but their making a huge deal out of it in a bad way! Their going on about how we're next and how we should stand ready to fight them down and that no ones safe, basically putting salt in the wound. Urk, it never helps. They should be focused on how londons handeling it and the miracles of the survivors and how the people feel, not power hungry individuals.

As a note, i would like to take back my death row comment, I was really upset at the time and still shaken by it, im really sorry :( However i still stand by everything else i said.
QuoteOriginally posted by Goku_B (view)
QuoteOriginally posted by kitori (view)
i cant stand people like that :( Their sick for doing something as discusting, decrading, and selfish of this. selfish because they r using the lords name in vein for an ungust cause by thrusting religeon upon the backs of victims they dont know. Selfish because they steel the lives of people for the sake of getting their good for nothing word out! I hope these so called human beings get whats comming to them, im not saying we should go into war, im saying that i believe in god and he will punish them in the new life. For now i hope sociaty will find them and give them what t hey disserve life in prison, and despite my beliefs against it, death row.

I agree with kitori.In this world today we need to get use to terrist attacks.-_-

i don't think we should get used to terrorist attacks, its just like saying one of your loved ones just died in a terrorist attack, get used to it. i'd be more inclined to say that we should be ready for it and if it does happen to respond in the way that they did in london
just saw the news aboout that tragedy..big dfamage indeed.what will i say???


tsk-tsk...what do the terrorists want, anyway? teror? sadness? chaos? If they wanna kill a specific person, then they do that where there are no people are involved!!!:sarc: :sarc: :sarc: Anyway...who are the terrorists that are involved in the explosion??
I fell sorry for the Londoners being under terrorist attacks lately.I'm just surprised that we the USA isn't under terrorist attacks.But that will soon happen.When that happens I won't change what I do in life cuz I won't be affraid.Terroist are COWARDS to me.So all you British BE STRONG & LIVE LONG!!!!!