Ah, believe in the "big-black-nothingness" then, Fizzyboy? Quite depressing, don't you think?
I've heard that story before too, Kei-kun. Actually it's a part of the Greek myths. If you've read the Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon manga, there are two sailors called Sailor Lethe and Sailor Mnemosyne. Lethe was a river while Mnemosyne was one of the Titans, the first gods.
Everyone who entered Tartarus drank from Lethe first, because they were very thirsty from their journey. And thus, lost their memory. That way they could be death in peace and be happy. But on rare occasions this didn't happen and the people who didn't drink from the Lethe would cause discord and pain for the other 'people'. So they would be send away, thus gaining a new life, as in reïncarnation.