Well, I had one involving Urd and it fit in a small passage of a fanfic-like story I'm writting.
I wrote as far as I could remember.
Urd follows Nyala as she leaves the Motor Club. She was sure that she was going to find out about that girl. Her evil-looking eyes were strange. Maybe she could be a demon, even if she couldn’t feel any energy of such.
The goddess follows Nyala around. Nyala already notices that she was begin followed by someone. – Urd, you are getting too persistent… - Nyala thinks. Suddenly, Nyala makes a run. Urd tries to follow her in an alley, but she can’t find Nyala anywhere. She leans on the wall.
-Where the hell did you go? – Urd sighs. She closes her eyes for a moment and when she opens, Nyala was in front of her. Nyala pushes her left hand against the wall, on Urd’s own right side. – What do you want? You were following me for quite some time… - Nyala asks with a very strange voice tone. Urd looks at her with surprise. – How did you…?
-Do you want to looks at me, a kiss or what? – Nyala speaks to Urd in a calm voice line of sound. – Ah? What? Eh? What do you think I’m? – Urd replies. Nyala pushes her right hand in Urd’s own left side. – I think you what something. Just be straight, or stop begin a quandary! – Nyala angrily talks. Urd looks at Nyala with surprised eyes. She tries to escape by transporting, but she is unable to. A tip of fear enters her mind. – What is she? – Urd thinks.
Nyala crosses her arms in front of Urd and starts walking away. As she walks, she speaks. – Urd, I’m warning you. Stop it now, before you do something wrong… There are things that mustn’t go off before the schedule… You don’t know with what you are messing with… Urd, Hild’s daughter…
Now Urd eyes turn extremely surprised as the look at Nyala. How could she know that? What in the hell that girl was? As Urd sees, Nyala was already gone. Urd feels such a fear inside her that she never ever had. – What… is… she?
It was like I was watching the scene from afar. And in the story, Nyala is some sort of entity with great power, even beyong Urd.