And you just Amen'd that "make love, not war" comment in the shoutbox, sad turnaround jimbo... and in the chat you say you switched weapons? You're after me with some polearm now, that'll keep me back with just my little saber, but say I get out a bow, (a recurve, not an ugly modern compound version or maybe a Kyu... now THAT'S elegant) then you'll go get a flamethrower.(FIRE MAN!)
so then it's a machine gun(H&k MP5) you, a sniper rifle, then a mortar, howitzer, main battle tank, atlas battlemech, any of the gundams, SDF 1, Death Star (vers2 finished and unexploded of course) blah blah blah. So the whole thing gets way out of hand and innocent bystanders get hurt.
I believe you were beaten at the first swing, or maybe i'm just a bit too slow and you 've cleaved my head in two.... perhaps a simple show of hands from the rest of this forum can decide for us