It's a good question, so don't think about it. :yumms: and thanks for the icecream.
Anywho....Most people hang on to their individuality. Not only would the world be a boring place, but people would all be the same. No individuality, no own mind, ...People wouldn't stand up for themselves, wouldn't show character, strength, courage,....And if they would, it would be seen as something as normal as rain falling from a cloud. Being unique is what's it all about. Would you be happy if you knew that there were other people in the world who would be exactly like you? Think like you, talk like you, act like you, look like you, ... Be like you, really. I'd have to die before giving up my individuality. It's both my greatest strength as my greatest weakness. As it is with most people. I don't think life as we know it today would be possible without individuality.