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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 08:19
Belldandy Gift

Youths today!!!

Topics Misc Youths today!!!
True about what you said jimmy.But what I've seen on & off the job makes wonder if we the human race deserves to live.And if God is goin to pass his judgment & make us better...well he'd better do it soon.
ok i really need to reply here...
now i have to disagree with you but not completely cause some of what you say is true. but my lil group of friends and about 30 other teens are trying to make a difference in the community that we all live in. now question for you all but why is it that you guys have to pick on all of us teens. like were not all taht bad some might have the craziess hair ever but come on were teenagers its like a job we have to do this its the time in our life were we want to do the craziess stuff anyone has seen. but i just got my hair striked red and i've been getting really bad looks by all the adults i walk pass and i really dont think its fair. like you guys can give us looks but its like we cant do the same.

now if you guys are thinking what im thinking i might have just missunderstood you guys completly wasted my time putting you this up. if so then disregaurd what i just typed.
Well if you & your friends are doin good then thats great.I had a mo hawk oncew when I was a teen.Youths just doesn't include teens we're also talkn about ppl in there early 20's(like me).people like my lil bro 23,my best friend 23 & one of there friends who is 23 to still gets in trouble & cause ppl grief.After this my lil bro & best friend are goin BACK to prison.So I'm not just complaining about you teens.
As far as the tragic side of human nature goes Goku, you and I have both seen the ugly side for a long time, and until we retire or whatever happens, we're gonna see a lot more than most people. Now , we all know that teens themselves are not the source of life's anxieties. I was a teenager once, and I dont recall having a big influence in the way the people of this world act. Still, humans were created to live and enjoy living. And since I believe in a Creator, I know that He will make things right. And as far as doing it soon, well, lets just say that when the time comes, there will be those safe from Judgment, and those not. I would prefer that ALL good people be saved and if God wishes to be merciful and allow bad people the time to change to good, then so be it. We just gotta hang in there. As I said before, this topic of conversation leads me to believe that the end result is going to be hurt feelings and really will cause more negative feedback than positive. Take a couple of minutes to think about this guys and consider it yourselves.
oh..so thats it...

At my school..theres teens in different colored hairs and Mohawk hairs too....

This might be to mean to ask but...why do they do that to their hair??

LOL. Ok, guess I'm staying offa this subject from here on......
Well I think partly the reason why teens are so out of controle is because teens are generally not disciplined. For example, here in Canada it is illegal to even give ur kid a little smack when they start screaming and crying and anoiying the crap out of you to get what they want. Even if your child hits you, you cant discipline them. Even if a teen committs mrder their jail time is half the time an adult would have to serve. To me that makes no sense, if your old enough to udnerstand your doing something wrong and you do it anyways, clearly you disserve to be punished. How else would you learn? Sometimes being told not to is not enough.
as long as your grownup enough to know what youre doing then you are responsible for it, even small kids know full well what theyre doing.
Saying that youve reached a certain age so it gives you an excuse or licence to act like an idiot is just plain wrong and illogical.
I guess so K-1...... hmmm

You mean...even kids at 8?? they know what they're doing
and they choose to play alot.......so there are alot of excuses.....
Haha its so funny when you think about it, a lot of people arnt iimpressed with teenagers in general (even myself, ironically im 17) I remember standing in line at an icecream shop and I turned to my friend and said 'Teens these days have no respect, it makes the rest of us look bad, I just wish they would behave' and all the adults turned in the line and nodded their heads smiling and agreeing. it was so cute!

I remember when low ruse jeans/hip huggers came in and there was a political despute over them! All the teens started gooing up and down the streets wearing them and the prime minister actually took the time to go on the news and talk about how sick he was of seeing our butts, it was halarious they even threatened to ban them! Goes to show how much fashion taste we have, its hard to respect someone when they don't respect themselves.
its those stupid laws. the only reason why kids misbehave nowadays is cause parents don't punish their kids in a way thats appropriate i.e smacking on the behind for fear of going to court (lmao dunno if i spelt that right) society in my opinion is breaking apart due to all those stupid laws which are meant to "protect" the real world really pisses me off sometimes which is why i tend to live in a world of my own not giving a damn whats happening in the real world.... hmm i started getting angry there lol
You have a point there F. ANgel ^-^ They say its because of those laws we have a natural feel to want to break them. You want to feel like you can get away with anything and no one has power over you. Kinda like the whole no drinking tell your 19 law. Lets face it, almost everyone breaks that. However in some countries (i think the germans or was it the noreigans that did this? cant remember) Do not implement that law. The result is that less teenagers drink in those coutnries then the ones with the age restriction law. Thats because teens feel like they have a choice, and they figure that there is no point.
its the culture, if the people are law-abiding to begin with, then it shouldnt make a difference if there is a law restricting it or not.

if that way of thinking is extended, is that why there are so many murders? would it reduce the number of murders if the law is relaxed? i dont think so.
if anything, we need stricter laws and effective enforcement, foe example rowdy and misbehaving pupils in schools should be given a humiliating whipping.
Haha! I dunno if I agrew with the stricter lawsa, at least where I am there's pretty much a law for everything. Not that that is a bad thing. As for school punishments, i don't believe in whipping, keep in mind parenting is no longer what it once was. Both parents tend to work and there is hardly anyone there to raise the children. Kids just arn't brought up properly these days. If anything, I feel bad for most of them. They have/had no one to hold their hands and guide them ^-^ So they look for ateention even to the extreme level. If anything our system needs to change before problems with teenagers and people in general can change.
my parents work all day when i was growing up and i dont end up breaking ppl's windows or anything. People that blame things like "oh i wasnt looked after by my parents 24/7 when i was growing up so thats why im a total sh#t-bag now, i now have a license to be a hooligan now" are highly pathetic, stupid and weak.