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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 08:19
Belldandy Gift

Youths today!!!

Topics Misc Youths today!!!
i may sound like a real grump by saying this, but i really dont like the majority of youths today! they lack discipline and decent manners!

just today, on the subway i saw two "couples" with their hands all over each other in public. They were snogging excessively (and not in a gentle way either!) and making lewd remarks. I dont know about you but i find such public display of "affections" to be highly inappropriate.

People nowadays just lack the discipline and honour.

you may think im being a real fuddy duddy, but its just my samurai way of thinking.
in a way you are right, there are some things that should be kept private (though sometimes its funny to see peoples reactions to those lewd comments...) but i also don't think we should all walk perfectly upright, keeping our heads high and looking like a military. there should be some discipline but not too much

I personally think that the youths of today are WAAAY to materialistic. You have to be skinny, bleach blond, have big breasts, wear revealing cloths, perfect makeup, etc... to even be considered pretty by many men... ick...
then there's those girls and their 'pretty boys'. I dunno how judged men feel so icant really put up any specifics, especially since i don't judge men that way myself.
to me, the dorkier the better!

people go on looks instead of on content. most of those pretty large chested girls are total idiots
Sounds just like when I was in Paramedic school. (just kidding) Yup, and it aint just young people neither. I've seen some pretty ugly OLD people going at it in my neighborhood too. Ah well, too bad reality is nothing like the AMG world. A lot more clean in my opinion. Too bad it's all fantasy. And as far as :ahem: Physical attributes go...........Well, bigger aint nescessarily better, and few people can say that when they first are attracted to a person, that the thing that attracted them most was they "looked like they had a great personality". Or, " My that person looks like an extremely thoughtful person". Looks aint everything....but then again.........they sure dont hurt neither. ^_^
hmm... i remember hearing in latin class (and that was like.... 3/4 years ago) that this Roman writer wrote about the youth that they lacked discipline and manners... and that guy must have wrote that at least 2 thousand years ago... lol! so... i guess each adult generation conciders their todays youth lacks discipline and manner etc... and so did their parents and their parents' parents and so on.
for my part... well i don't mind much couples snuggling in public places... ^^ they're in love, good for them! and if they do this in public, it means they don't mind other people looking at them... or they're not paying attention... hmm....
I agree with you K1.If I was I'd went over & stoped them from doin that & if they don't I'd just sit inbetween them.I deal with them(people) everyday & I just want to make them eat dirt the hard way.:angry:The youth & middle age has no respect for those who were a badge.Well ppl of any age needs disaplin but it's the youths that needs it the most.The only way that a parent or guardian can punish a kid by making the stand in a corner,set for 5-10 minutes, or make them go to their room.To me that IS NOT punishment.I'll say more later.
i dont mind them snuggleing ( i do it all the time) but i don't think like kissing with tongue is appropriate, or sticking hands down pants or anywhere naughty.

I remember we went skiing and i had to go back to the car for sunscreen and on the back bumper of another car was an old couple (Like in their 60's/70's) making out!!! they didn't stop the whole time i was there!!! even i dont do that in public and im only 17...
Ohh that would be discusting.When I was in my teens I had more respect than than the ppl that was twice my age.Now I punish ppl that gets out of line.Which is quite fun:E .
Okaaaaaaay............maybe it's time to move on to another subject eh, guys? Seems like this one is starting to hit a few nerves. And the mental images are something else too.
:sheep: sorry! it was rather disturbing though!
the ones i saw were in no way trying to keep it to themselves, in fact they were trying to annoy other passengers with their awful behaviour. They know other ppl are there and aware of them, they just being a pain to others!

And dont get me started on the intimidating gangs of teenagers around town either! they are a bunch of low-lives! they vandalise ppl's property and cause stress to the elderly! What is needed is a strict bushido code of conduct to be enforced!
Bushido is only good for those who follow the code. Course, if ya just want to roll some heads well then have fun! Sounds like ya got good enough reason. ^_^
Honestly, Keiichi-san! Don't you think you're being a bit too drastic? Youths nowadays do behave...more daring and ruder then before, but that's just evolution. Not to mention the fact that they are that; youths. They're evolving, confused and most of the time mad at everything around them. So it's normal that there is so much vandalisme.
About the public display of affection...while it hurts for me to watch people like that, since I don't have someone, I think that today everyone should be able to display some amount of affection to one another. There's a limit, of course, but a lot of people think doing it in public is a turn on. Maybe that's why they do it?

And in the end, of course, you have to consider that not every youth does these kinds of things. Would you see myself doing that? Or others around here? Those individual cases should be viewed individually. We're not all bad, hon. Remember that.
you are lucky then Reiyuka, you live in a more peaceful country. Over the situation is getting out of control. Teenagers are killing each other, even on the news a baby boy was hanged by a gang of teens. The situation is fast becoming a battlefield.
Okay, true. It isn't that bad yet around Belgium. Though we're fastly approaching that. Belgium and Holland have the tendency to take over stuff from Amerika. But ah well. Everyone is quite stressed and tired lately; people do stupid things. Around here it's usually fathers or ex-husbands who end up killing their whole family and then themselves. There's always something. About those kids... Well, if I listen to stuff that Angel-chan has told me about her school, it's mostly an issue of values and norms, and the difference between right and wrong. Stuff parents have to teach their children. Also, the school system does little or nothing to improve kids mental health.
It's all just a mess.
It's all been happening before kids. Thing is, we're seeing it a lot more worse than it was before. Things were bad when I was growing up, but now they have gotten worse. And you dont have to be a cop or fireman to see it. I honestly believe that God himself will change things very soon. I know this, because no matter how many bad people are arrested or lives we try to save, there are more bad people and sick and injured to take their place. It is beyond man's capability to completely change his fellowman from being imperfect. And eventually, we all grow old, get sick, and die. True peace and happiness can only come from God because we cant achieve that no matter how hard we try. It's up to us though, not to be like those we critisize, and be among those swept away on the day of God's Judgement. Dont let it get to you too much K-1, to the point that it's killing you inside. And if it's beyond your ability to control, make it a matter of prayer. And whether you believe in the Allmighty or not, even the strongest of us need strength from God whether we care to admit it or not. Even us older , so-called wiser farts have to admit our own weaknesses and ask for help. Believe me. ^_^