I Agree with kira1616 regarding the ultimate force...I have been wondering about it myself also.
Correct me if I'm wrong but from my own opinions/understanding, when Urd comes down to earth for the first time, she makes the Ultimate force system went down so that there is a reason why she is on Earth. I tought Yggdrasil was down because was down only during Lord of Terror incident ? when the Ultimate Force was down, i dun think the Yggdrassil was down also since Belldandy can stay on Earth without using alternate source of energy (Sleep).
As for the "What happened to the Ultimate force?", the possibility i think of is:
1. They forgot about it and just left it out ( much more like the difference between the time in Earth and in Heaven situattion)
2. Ultimate Force System havent been restored yet.
3. Even though there is contract, Belldandy stays on Earth on her own free will so I dun think there are anymore needs for the Ultimate force.