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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 20:17
Belldandy Gift

What anime would you like to see be into a real life movie?

Topics Manga & Anime What anime would you like to see be into a real life movie?
QuoteOriginally posted by Dynamo_ace (view)
The DOA movie is RUB-ISH! I haven't seen it but know its rubbish. I wonder what Mark Kermode thought about it.

Why?Please tell me your reason
I would say Last Exile would make a good Live Action series as well as Ghost in the Shell....
Sorry guys, but I don't think AMG is a particularly good series to do a live action adaptation of. It's an anime with a heavy comedy orientation and as such I think it would suffer more then some others from having to be more realistic (no more unrealistically ridiculously exaggerated facial expressions, etc.). Plus, what would you be using as a story?

Full Metal Panic could make a good live action movie, although I think they'd need good actors and some very good CGI work (let's face it, CGI is probably about the only way they could make fluidly moving mecha for such a film) to pull it off well. What do you think should be used as the storyline, an adaptation of the same storyline that was used to make the first arc in the anime? Something completely new? Maybe a alternate take on the beggining of the series (alternate as in seriously diffferent, not just minor changes here and there)?

I think Starship Operators could make an excellent live action movie trilogy if handled by the right scriptwriter (and actors, director, etc.). But I think the chances of that series getting such an adaptation are pretty slim. It doesn't seem to have made a very big splash. Pity, because while it has some flaws (especially early on -the clunky first episode is probably the worst in the entire series) it's still awesome, and properly handled a live action version could even be better then the anime one.
I think Bleach can be one good^_^