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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 08:48
Belldandy Gift

Mp3 war

This is a very hot theme now. Laws are getting very strict but i think they let the virus spread and now they are trying to control it :p
Edonkey website was just shut down because of it. :o I used edonkey a lot to get video files, so its a bit sad. :(
Microsoft even wants to develop a device like ipod to help mp3 listeners break even more the law. If they dont want people to break the law why they develop devices to store the illegal items? very odd uh? :laugh:

Btw, baf just closed its heavenly music section just to avoid any future problems in this field (and also by respect with amg voice talents that gave us great original voices for belldandy and the other characters).

Just tell me your opinions.
Its getting out of hand, the econamic bullies are winning and it is because we are not standing up for them. Trouble is there isn't any one to report to because the bullies may have even got the US and UK goverment on the take.

We have to strike back, we have to make them see the error of their ways. Before there is a worldwide econamic collapse. But how?
QuoteOriginally posted by Dynamo_ace (view)
Its getting out of hand, the econamic bullies are winning and it is because we are not standing up for them. Trouble is there isn't any one to report to because the bullies may have even got the US and UK goverment on the take.

We have to strike back, we have to make them see the error of their ways. Before there is a worldwide econamic collapse. But how?
oh well law eh - make it, break it and re-make it to re-break it!! Duh!!

but it's true such websites are a den of viruses sometimes as well and somehow the have to be controlled a bit bit on the other hand if they start closing we'll get the blow cos we won't find our favourite things anymore!!

as for microsoft - can't beat them join them lol!! :laugh:
QuoteOriginally posted by Nighthawk8799 (view)
QuoteOriginally posted by Dynamo_ace (view)
Its getting out of hand, the econamic bullies are winning and it is because we are not standing up for them. Trouble is there isn't any one to report to because the bullies may have even got the US and UK goverment on the take.

We have to strike back, we have to make them see the error of their ways. Before there is a worldwide econamic collapse. But how?

Sorry about that feeling like a rant, the thing is i think that many companies are delibretly enforcing their stupidty so they can control or damage the industiries. Hence why i call them econamic bullys.

If this keeps up the people will not buy products at all, as they will not support a corrupt industry, then their will be an econamic collapse.
edonky might have ben shut down but there are still other means to download music (limewire, emule, torrents etc.)

as for the law... in france, if you're caught downloading you get a big fee... i don't know exactly how much nor what the law really stipulates though...
First off, it is 'economic'. No 'a'. I don't find it completely unreasonable for companies to want to make money on products they own, but they are setting double standards, so you are right about that. However, to say that there will be economic collapse because they are making it harder for people to steal from them is suspect. Is it any less selfish in the end to take something that someone else worked hard on without paying for it, than it is for them to charge you? It is valid though, to say that if they were true artists they would not charge a thing, and just be happy that so many people are enjoying their work. The gold plated shark tank for the bar by the pool can wait a few months ;). If people were not going to buy products because of corparate corruption, it would have happened 25 years ago at least.

Hmmm. Come to think of it, have I really said anything at all in the course of this post?
If we think about this problem, we have to understand about what the fair use is. I have variously learned about copyright, and I think the most important thing is wether we(consumers) and producer don't have a bad influence each other.

In American copyright, fair use is defined at Article 107.

From http://www.copyright.gov/title17/circ92.pdf

107 Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include.
(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.

See also http://web.mit.edu/seantek/www/papers/progress-columns.pdf if you want to know about fan activity.
(I already intorduced this thesis at Chronicles

It is true that activity(include legal and illegal) of anime fan in foreign country(most of them is America) cause the explosive growth of Japanese Animation. However all of fan activity is not always good for animation producer.

I think BAF closed heavenly music is a better choice. I agree to upload images for discussing, speaking, getting opinions more about animation, but I don't mind that uploading music isn't help the discussion of animation. In addition, I don't recommended for leaving the link of old bit torrent file. (Some files is animation or music that has already been released abroad.)

You're already sure to have known that most Japanese don't upload many images on network or their personal site, but Japanese copyright isn't defined fair use, and it is more strict than American. I think the measures of Japan that protects all things only by one law cause the small-scale activity of Japanese anime fans, and changing their activity to underground atmosphere.
QuoteOriginally posted by Nighthawk8799 (view)
First off, it is 'economic'. No 'a'. I don't find it completely unreasonable for companies to want to make money on products they own, but they are setting double standards, so you are right about that. However, to say that there will be economic collapse because they are making it harder for people to steal from them is suspect. Is it any less selfish in the end to take something that someone else worked hard on without paying for it, than it is for them to charge you? It is valid though, to say that if they were true artists they would not charge a thing, and just be happy that so many people are enjoying their work. The gold plated shark tank for the bar by the pool can wait a few months ;). If people were not going to buy products because of corparate corruption, it would have happened 25 years ago at least.

Hmmm. Come to think of it, have I really said anything at all in the course of this post?

Its allright for companies to earn, but only in honorable methods.

BTW, thanks for the correction.