The walkers are cool :E. You have the primary miniguns for infantry as well as short ranges rockets to take on vehicles. There is a secondary position on top that is primarily for anti air. They are very tough to take down for single units, but can be overwhelmed, or outsmarted by a good engineer. The tanks are an intersting blend. PAC gets a tank that doesn't have a moveable turret, but it is a hover tank that can move sideways. The EU gets more of a standard type tank. Infantry combat can be frustrating at times, since everyone beats me in 1 v 1 :p, and the the main thing that always got me mad in BF2: you start shooting at enemy, brilliant team mate runs in front of, you stop shooting to avoid the team kill, said enemy wastes your team mate and you.
Another unfortunate thing is that nobody seems to be able to fly the transport vehicle, or leaves before anyone can load up. I swear 1/2 my deaths must be from people crashing those thingsX|. You can spawn right in to trandport vehicles, but you never know when the pilot will crash the thing or bail out and leave everyone else to go down with the ship, even if it is full health. A big improvement though is that the enemy can not attack your hangar bay in Titan mode, so you avoid the constant carrier rapes fom BF2.
I've been hearing that this place has good download speeds for the demo, so here's a direct link if you want to try it: