Well I'm just now startn to buy anime soundtracks.So I only have the AMG soundtrack & the Love Hina Best Collection cd.I prefer to just watch the series but I also like/love the music from some of the animes.Now I can upload the songs from the 2 cds & burn them onto 2 cds & put up the originals for safe keeping.I would like to do that with my anime dvds but no dvd burner -_- .So what & how many anime cds you have?
I don't have an yet, but I know that the Card Captor Sakura soundtracks are definetly worth buying. Very pretty indeed. Most of the Clamp soundtracks are. Also, if you get your hands on the soundtrack of the second Inuyasha movie... so beautiful!
Hmmm Anime Soundtrack huh? hmmmm *thinks*
I do have quite a few here ^_^:
Onegai Teacher Stokesia soundtrack Onegai Teacher Seratula soundtrack Onegai Teacher Image Soundtrack XenoSaga I Soundtrack XenoSaga II Soundtrack Love Hina Best Collection soundtrack Macross II Soundtrack Vol. 1 Ai Yori Aoshi Sakura soundtrack Ai Yori Aoshi Enishi Pine soundtrack Tenchi Muyo Motion Picture Soundtrack Ah My Goddess - Goddess Family Club soundtrack Someday's Dreamer soundtrack Ah My Goddess The Movie soundtrack Anime Toonz Kikuko Inoue soundtrack Voices of a Distant Star soundtrack Chobits Vol.1 soundtrack Ah My Goddess vol.2 soundtrack Ah My Goddess Singles soundtrack Neon Genesis - Birthday of Rei Ayanami - soundtrack Card Captors complete vocal - 4 disc Yoko Ishida - all of me soundtrack (Limited) The Slayers Try BGM 2 soundtrack
Inoue Kikuko Cd's:
Inoue Kikuko Elegant Fish soundtrack Inoue Kikuko Classic 1 soundtrack Inoue Kikuko Sorairo no Ehon soundtrack Inoue Kikuko Bokura no Best da,Oneechan soundtrack Inoue Kikuko Mizuumi soundtrack Inoue Kikuko Happy Tambourine soundtrack (limited) Inoue Kikuko Perfect collection soundtrack Inoue Kikuko Fushigi na Omajinai soundtrack
Note: Big Thanks to Jimmy, 2 of the Kikuko cds here are from him to me ^_^ I thank Him *Bows Down*
Inoue Kikuko LD's:
Inoue Kikuko Elegant Fish LD (And 2 other LD(Dont know the names ^_^)
These are Inoue Kikuko CD's but they have anime songs in there too..so I included them..and the LD has songs in there too @_@ ^_^.
Dang Kei you have ALOT.:p
bought or downloaded? if bought i have non :P but heres my downloaded list.
Ah My Goddess TV Original Soundtrack Ah My Goddess TV Original Soundtrack2 BECK ED Single - above the clouds BECK OP Single - HIT IN THE USA COWBOY BEBOP Tank THE BEST Cowboy Bebop - Ask DNA Single Cowboy Bebop - Cowgirl Ed Cowboy Bebop - Movie - Future Blues Cowboy Bebop - OST 1 Cowboy Bebop - OST 2 Cowboy Bebop - OST 3 Cowboy Bebop - Tracks for Freelance Cowboy Bebop CD Box Set - 5 cd's Cowboy Bebop OST - Mini Movie Cowboy Bebop OST - Remixes Cowboy Bebop OST - Vitaminless DearS OP Single - Love Slave DearS Original Soundtrack DearS ED Single - HAPPY COSMOS Elfen Lied Original Soundtrack Full Metal Alchemist - Kesenai Tsumi Full Metal Alchemist - Melissa Full Metal Alchemist - READY STEADY GO! Full Metal Alchemist - Tobira no Mukou e Full Metal Alchemist - Motherland Full Metal Alchemist - Undo Full Metal Alchemist - I Wil Full Metal Alchemist - Rewrite Full Metal Alchemist - OST 1 Full Metal Alchemist HAGAREN SONG FILE ALPHONSE ELRIC FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST COMPLETE BEST HAGAREN SONG FILE - EDWARD ELRIC Full metal panic OST FULL METALPANIC! TOMORROW SINGLE Full_Metal_Panic_Fumoffu_Opening-Ending_Single FMP - Single OST Ghost_In_The_Shell_-_Stand_Alone_Complex_OST_2
HOLY CRAP...i didn't realise i downloaded soo many soundtracks. thats only all my anime sound track from A to G i still have H to Z and the final fantasy ones *sighs*
I have...NONE! lol. Actually I have a few burned songs from Inuyasha , gravitation (shinning collection :D) and random animes i've never herd of, but fell in love with the music ^-^ I really want some of the CLAMP somgs! Im in love with the music from Tsubasa Chronicles *-* so pretty!
tsubasa chronicle is cooool i have the opening single :P hmm maybe i should upload some of my music to the heavenly music section but i don't know how to lol
I dont think the music section is open to anyone. Im premium and I cant access it. Im assuming it never was fully repaired, or it is still being upgraded, or it took up too much space and was deleted. Don't hold those words against me, Im only guessing ^-^
hehe kk ^_^
No Not really alot ^_^
and I still havent seen my Kikuko LD's yet..because no LD player yet T_T
Dang f.angel...you have alot too.
I listen a lot of Ost, but i think AMG is the best(OVA, TV, the Movie) I like Inuyasha, Love Hina, InitialD, Grenadier, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou, City Hunter
i have a lot too:
ayashi no ceres boys be gensomaden saiyuki el-hazard pokemon (original n jotho) AMG you're under arrest 1&2 ranma1/2 samurai X/rurouni kenshin onegai teacher onegai twins disney songs gatekeepers groove adventure rave gundam robotech xenosaga DDR music and songs and many more all complete version of OAV songs and BMG too...
I don't have very many... well actually, I do, I have pretty much everything you can download for Tenchi Muyo and 'Congratulations' from AMG OVA
u sure can...
there is juz so much infomation u can download from the net...
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