Love is the most wonderful thing anyone could ever experience. Even if it ends in pain...
I am most definitly in love!!! Kyle is the most wonderful person i have met, and our story is rather interesting...
In 7th grade kyle really started liking me, but i had a boyfriend, and i dont think that i knew about kyle much or really cared. In 8th grade is when i start to remember him glancing at me during band and such. I didn't have a boyfriend anymore so maybe that was it. first we became friends but then he started putting Love Kyle at the end of his emails. this was a little too much for me and i (sadly) started being really mean to him... I even sort of 'went out' with one of his really good friends (and who is still both of our really good friend)... i was, pardon my language, a huge bitch, and i'll never forgive myself.
Then over the summer i figured i'd start being nice to him again 'cause i felt so stupid about it. Over the school year, well... I fell totally in love with him, but then he started being mean to me! karma or what! this (our love/hate relationship between eachother, with random periods of friendly emails) went on until 3rd year of high school. We talked a little in english class and he later sent me an email, which started us talking again. During fall break we hung out the WHOLE WEEK. actually being alone with him for the first time was really weird because we hadn't really talked face to face for a long time.
A couple weeks later we started going out! (on the bus back from a football game [we're marching band dorks!])
We've been going out for 7 1/2 months now!!!
If you havent read it you should read Diazo's post on Love vs. Lust. it's very accurate. There was that passing stage where i wondered if i REALLY did love Kyle. I told him that i loved him, but behind all of those words was uncertainty. Writing all of my thoughts in a journal really helped. it showed me just how much he loved me and how much i did love him! i eventually got it all sorted out and moved out of that emotional dark area. Not only is kyle my boyfriend, he's also my best friend. some one i can tease and tickle and hug and kiss and bother and do homework with and cry on...
And he's in australia for a month right now!!! waaah!
don't forget now, looks arent everything!!! once you start loving someone they become the most beautiful person in the world to you.