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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 02:14
Belldandy Gift


Topics Misc Love.
yea asgard go for it! ^^ who cares if you're in 2nd year and her in 1st... lol! and even if tons of other guys have her in view, that's not an good enough excuse for not going to talk to her... :) really... don't pay attention about others! go for it and see what hapens, it's worth trying anyway, and who knows, maybe she likes you too, or even more with time! go ahead! don't be shy! but act as a gentleman...
Relax and take it easy when you approach her. Stay calm.
Yeah. thanks guys for the tips. I must go for it now! Recongition Day is this week and i still don't know if she is gonna stay or not!!!

but how can i start? Maybe treat her some waffles in a nearby store?
You could always ask her out for tea...
It really depends on how well you know her right now...
i dunno, maybe you can try being accomadating to her first, see what she likes to do first, if still undecided you have to take charge a bit, show her you can really take care of her but not be over controlling.
yea, that's a good plan... ^^ don't be too pushy
hmmm...you're right...maybe i should know her first before making my move to avoid turn-offs. :bg:

And some major diet of course because an average high-schooler weighs about 100 lbs. not 200. :bg: :bg:
really? hmm... i'm not really aware of the pound weight mesurments... how much would that be in kilogrammes? well anyway... what do you care about the "average" weight? if you have some interesting conversation and if you're nice and all... why would anyone give a damn about your weight? lol
it whats on the inside that counts not the outside! i only wish i can follow my own advice, i just have to have cute pretty girls! sorry! i guess im pretty shallow!
thanks...i thought you all woud'nt answer my problem seriously. :bg:
no problem my friend. K1 is right...even if he did get it from belldandy. Its whats inside that counts...always be yourself and never change for anyone but yourself
Had fallen in Love before like 4 yrs ago...but one-sided and nothing really happened......

Ah...hope I coud love somebody now but I don't love anyone...= =||| Hope one day I could find one and I could completely fall in love with her...but havn't seen the one I love yet....

welll. maybe I'm too young anyway..... but still waiting for "her" now......^^
RAL did you read that last post from my diary or something! LOL sounds a bit like me!
A friend and I were talking about something along the lines of this thread yesterday. Well I guess the discusion was about the differences between being in Love and lusting. When you first start a relationship with someone, you get this wonderful feeling of excitement, nervousness, and joy (complete confusion) that can be addicting. There is this mystery. You are trying to find everything there is to know about the person, they do these certain little things that you love...every moment with them is so intoxicating...Lust
It can be hard for a relationship when this phase wears off...Im convience this is the reason marriages end in divorce.
Things because repeatitive, and you start to see the bad sides or the luggage of the person. You start to realize that the world wont end if you are away from each other for a day.
Sometimes those little things that you loved so much at the beginning can actually become to annoy you.
The euphoria starts to wear off...(by now Im guessing those of you who are reading this must think Im a depressive person...and you would be right) however when the relationship comes down from that first stage you start to realize something even more wonderful. That the person has left an incredible mark on your soul and no matter what happens, no matter how many bad character traits the person has, or whatever they do in the future...You love them deeply. Sure you might not recognize it but trust me its there (and if it isnt then you were never serious)

I think its now at this point where true love is found. Love is the acceptance of a person no matter what problems they have. Love is this special bond that cannot be broken... not even death can stand in its way. Love is the most important thing in this world, we all crave love, we need it to fill that dark hole that we are born with in our hearts.
But unfortunately some people (including myself) have this misconception of what love really is...perhaps this whole post is a misconception...

Sorry for my ramblings...This is my opinion of what true love is...agree or disagree you have to admit without love all is lost...

Love is Real
Real is Love- John Lennon
wow Diazo! you make some very good points so clearly! all in all i think the definition of true love can be found in Ah! My Goddess between Belldandy and Keiichi, that is such good example! and its not all just lovey dovey either, it emphasises the challenges of love aswell, truly love!