I would be so surprised. To imagine that Kosuke actually knew what heaven was like!
Next I would start worrying because while the deities are supposed to be good, some can get a tad excited. I think it would be a rather terrifying and even painful experience for a tender soul to come across Urd in a foul mood. I would careful read the section in the Heaven Survival Guide which deals with the who, why, when and especially how to avoid angry gods and goddesses. Hopefully souls gain the abilities of speedreading and photographic memory since I think it would be a long list. An extremely long list if the old tales are true about how each child is visited by their very own norn at birth. Heaven would then be so packed with deities I think I would prefer Hell. Perhaps a somewhat radical choice but at least I wouldn't have so many goody two shoes busy bodies on my back all the time.... aww dreck, there's one demon for every deity. Ok, so heaven it is.
Since the high muckety mucks work, no doubt we souls also have to work. Not because we need to earn our keep but because it is expected we should do good deeds. How this is supposed to be done when there is barely any interaction with Midgard is a mystery. The bosses seem to have the power to handle most stuff but some of them are too proud to engage in household work. Which means most souls are probably working as janitors. However, we know some goddesses loaf around the television all day so obviously they can enjoy crude human entertainment too. So pray fellow souls that you belong to the creative classes.
Fancying themselves on the side of good, the deities probably don't ask us to slave away all day. Entertainment will probably consist of listening to heavenly singing, eating heavenly food (if scrawny Keiichi is any indication, it's non-fattening) and get nosebleeds every time a hot love god/goddess walks past. This nerd heaven also contains the most advanced computers in the universe, with the possible exception of Hell. Most souls will therefore spend their free time idling away on deitynet. Hrrm, somehow heaven seems a bit too much like my normal life, apart from the microwave food.