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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:11
Belldandy Gift

what will happen if bell and keiichi gets old?

Topics Ah! My Goddess what will happen if bell and keiichi gets old?
Got a point there, I have to admit. Still, while this proves him to have a very 'pure' and kind heart, and him to be relatively powerful in that area, I don't think he really is something more then a human. Not including that talk with Peorth that Larry-san mentioned, 'cause I don't know about that, I mean. After all, even magical beings could never pass through the gate before, Bell and Keiichi were the first ones. Also, he couldn't really support that angel for very long. He's special, but still human.

Oh, and DBZ wasn't all bad, guys. It sucked, went on for like ages, but you still have to give dibs to Toriyama-san for thinking up such an utterly ridiculous story. Takes only a genius to think of something that bizarre.
HA and Ha..
acts all validated by last post and sits in chair triumphantly,

he is special... wonder if Bell did something to make him that way
!!!!!Spoiler Warning!!!!! Some elements of the discussion below are from Volumes 21 - 30 of the manga. Proceed with caution if you have not read beyond the "Sora Unchained" story arc.

Um, he's supported 2 different angels... one for quite a while. He also could have kept the second one, but did not have enough training for it. Lind also pointed out that he was probably the only mortal who could do it.

Peorth has hinted that he is immortal.

He can see things other mortals cannot (like the Machiners).

He has contacted Heaven on 3 different occasions, once of his own volition.

He's proven himself capable of resisting spells cast by extremely powerful goddesses (both Urd and Peorth).

He has the love of at least 4 goddesses (to varying degrees - Belldandy, Peorth, Urd, and Skuld). I know a lot of you are going to say Skuld hates him... not true. Hate and love are VERY similar emotions, and Skuld just has them mixed up. The opposite of love is actually indifference, not hate. Besides, she's never shown hating him in the manga as much as people seem to think. Furthermore, when Skuld does fall in love (with Sentaro), the guy she falls for is basically a younger version of Keiichi.

Well, of course Skuld loves him, she just hates it that he took her precious sister away from her. :) Sentaro is pretty cute, though.

I see your reasoning now, Larry-san, and you are rather correct. It has been hinted that he was an immortal and such, and that's of course interesting. Still, I remain with my point of view.
Well, concerning the gate issue you brought up... that is from the movie and therefore not canon. Their ultimate destiny is in Fujishima-sama's hands...

We cannot just assume that because something is from the movie, tv series, or ova and not the manga that it is not valid. While certain events may or may not overlap properly, I do not believe any of them are events that could be detremental to the true meaning of the story.
True, but typically, movie adaptations and OVAs and Mangas are not considered part of the manga story and vice versa. Unless it is mentioned or shown in the Manga, then within the manga universe, it did not happen. They are seperate stories. For example, the OVA outright contradicts and changes how things happened in the manga. Since Kosuke Fujishima writes and draws the manga, and created AMG, and owns the copyright, the manga "wins" as the official story. That doesn't mean that the OVA is wrong, just a different version of the story.

Another example of this is Babylon 5. Several novels were writen about the TV show, but only the ones that the series creator said were actually part of the Babylon 5 story are considered canon. Since we have not seen Morgan or Celestine, or read an interview with Fujishima-sama saying the movie happened in manga continuity, it did not happen (manga-wise).

Think of it as an "offical" fan-fic.

maybe she could make him young forever....
just a thought
hey reply to thread dudes...hehehe..as for me if keiichi gets old he might wish for bell to make him be immortal...maybe...
It would be nice if they grew old and ended up going to heaven togeather
it's a never ending story...