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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:29
Belldandy Gift

A request for help regarding the song Koisuru Kimochi (Feeling of Love)

Topics Amv/Jpop/Kpop/Seiyuu A request for help regarding the song Koisuru Kimochi (Feeling of Love)
Hey guys,

Recently, I've been listening to the Ah My Goddess Soundtrack a lot cause I think the scores they compose for the series and movies are just simply amazing. One of my absolute favorite songs in the series is this one song by Hamaguchi Shirou called "Koisuru Kimochi (Feeling of Love)." I think you'll all recognize this song as it's played fairly often during the series during "romantic bits." The thing is, while watching episode 9 of the Second Season (Ah! The Goddesses Decide Victory With a Date!), they played this song but instead of using a piano, they used a guitar! (In case you want to look, it's played when Peorth is waiting for Keichi by the fountain) This may not be the first episode they played it in, but it's the first that I've noticed anyway.

Now, for me, i have a serious love for guitar instrumentals and upon hearing this song, I just really want to know whether anyone has any information on how to get the guitar instrumental version of this song or whether one even exists?! So far I have the soundtrack for the 2 TV series and the movie and and this version of "Feeling Love" isn't on any of them. If anyone can help me on this I'd absolutely appreciate it. Even more so, if i can find the guitar version of this song, i'd seriously consider learning how to play it (as i'm in the middle of learning the guitar). Just have to find the tabs for it....which may be another task on it's own i'm afraid...

Thanks again for any info.
I think its going to be in the 2° OST , we have to wait ....
May I ask what exact is "2° OST"??
Do you mean the Original Soundtrack for the 2nd Season? I may be mistaken but isn't that already out? Or am I just talking about something completely different (which is possible cause there seems to be a ton of AMG music out there).

The second OST for "Sorezore no Tsubasa"

The first OSt was relased 2 months ago, but I dont know about a official relase for the Second OST (of season 2)
Ahh!!! I get it. So each Season of AMG has TWO OSTs....i see...that definitely makes sense now. Thanks a lot MK1. I hope that song is in the 2nd OST, cause otherwise there'd be no other way to get that song...
Thats logical...
QuoteOriginally posted by MK1 (view)
The second OST for "Sorezore no Tsubasa"

The first OSt was relased 2 months ago, but I dont know about a official relase for the Second OST (of season 2)

The first OST, you mean the first series OST? That was released a year ago on July.