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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 05:53
Belldandy Gift


I was in the comic book store on Saturday, and there it was - the first volume of MARS!

Of course I immediatly remembered Caedrus-kun (hey, don't I have an e-mail of yours I still need to answer?) and bought the thing. I'm glad I did, it's really cute and sweet. Rei's a hottie, which is always a plus. Also, the fact that he thinks of death and such so much intrigues me. I'm eager to read more and Amira-chan (a friend) told me I'd probably like it a lot - and since she knows my style, I'm sure she's right.
I love mars with passion, it is my favorite manga. I also found that they remade the series into a korean drama named, and you guessed it, Mars. Very good i cried at the end, if anyones interested you can dl the torrents here:


Really if you love a good tragic romance you need to read & watch mars
A korean drama, you say? Excellent~! That means I might be able to find it. Thank for mentioning that!

I've bought the second volume quite a while back already, but in the meantime I must've re-read it a dozen times already. This series is really... well, hypnotizing in a way. I can't read it without wanting to know more about what makes Rei tick, or about their backgrounds and such. But at the same time I could easily wait more than a year until I read the next volume.

It's kind of odd.