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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:13
Belldandy Gift

What are your dreams in life?

Topics Misc What are your dreams in life?
Where do u live K1? and why would the change it? for more money?
i live in the UK, you pay more and more and u get less and less back, all in all my generation was used as the guinea pig for the new system, the people who got their university education for free would not understand what we went through.
My deam

Finish college without losing my schoorship is at the top of the list, It can be triky ceeping my GPA high enough

Second I discovers a love of teaching, and I want to make the world a better place so it seems like a good career path

I just hope that formal education dosen't beat it oout of me:(

Here to the future and attaning our dreams :)
thats a lovely dream ^-^

However it is sad that our system is the cause of ruined dreams because of high pricing. Even the 'upper class' of sociaty has a hard time getting in. There's a school here that requests $10,000 as a 'trust bond' you give it to the school for as long as ur student is there and when u want to pull ur student out u can get it back hwoevber they'll kill u before u can have it. Its so stupeid schools rip you off ao much because the generation befor us was raised spoiled and greedity. These people should remember we're ther ones that take care of them when they grow old so they better take care of us in return ^-^
my super duper dream is that one day the world would unite! there'll be no more conflict or prejudice of any kind!
a good hope for the future, we just have to remember that ultimitly we are all hunman and we only have each other to make this world better
yes but some people dont know that and they ruin it for everyone else, we could only assume they are not human but demons and devils.
I don't believe in hopes and dreams anymore. I watched every single dream I had crushed during the last two years. I wish someone had told me that hopes and dreams and talent don't matter... all that matters is who you know and how much money you have. Money issues took a college education from me and keep me in a dead-end job, living with my parents. It doesn't matter how good my art is; I don't have a degree and I don't know the right people. I think it's cruel that kids are told that they "can be anything" when they're little, because it's an outright lie. Heh, do you think I'm bitter? I'm just tired of living a life where a "good day" is a day I don't remember. My manga and anime habit is all about escapism. :P For more bitter rants, see the thread I'm about to start: "Do jobs steal your soul?"
yaw harsh, I am sorry for you there, If it wasn't for scholorship I wouldn't be getting were I am today. And your right Networking does play to large a role in the world of employment
Melichan, maybe you can do a home study degreee, or when you have saved enough you can start a university degree then, you're never too old to enter university. I have a friend who's way past her 50's and she is studying a course in math.
My mother graduated from college only 2 years before I did.... it can be done. Also, once you're past the age of 26, your parent's income no longer counts toward your income for financial aid purposes. At that point, you can probably get grants and loans a-plenty.

Another bit of advice I will give you (how many college grads do we have here anyway? I'm not one of the few that old, am I???)...

There are scholarships for EVERYTHING. Left handed, part native American, people named Dave, whatever. There are tons of scholarships out there, and many go unclaimed every year. Talk to the financial aid department of the school you want to attend. They will help you apply for them. Also, work hard on the ACT/SAT... a lot of schools have automatic scholarships for high scores...

Do the ronin thing for a while if you have to... it worked for Keitaro (Love Hina reference). Just don't give up...


"There is no greater joy than to be reborn in every heartbeat" - Belldandy
yes! if Keitaro can do it so can you! i'll be cheering you on!
My dream in life? Well to be a person that has the expertice in I.T. Going to abroad(preferably Japan coz it is closer in Phils, compared to U.S.) to work in there and earn a living. If i have earned enough, i will repair our house and buy my own house also. But having your own house is empty without a girlfriend(i wish my g.f. would be jap coz they are so cute).

Whoops....better not expect that. :bg: :bg: :bg:
Japan is quite a peaceful place, with relatively low crime rates. but the prices are quite high and one thing is i dont speak japanese!
Jap GF eh? lol, i too am hoping for 1. I prefer a tradition Jap gal though.....