My mother graduated from college only 2 years before I did.... it can be done. Also, once you're past the age of 26, your parent's income no longer counts toward your income for financial aid purposes. At that point, you can probably get grants and loans a-plenty.
Another bit of advice I will give you (how many college grads do we have here anyway? I'm not one of the few that old, am I???)...
There are scholarships for EVERYTHING. Left handed, part native American, people named Dave, whatever. There are tons of scholarships out there, and many go unclaimed every year. Talk to the financial aid department of the school you want to attend. They will help you apply for them. Also, work hard on the ACT/SAT... a lot of schools have automatic scholarships for high scores...
Do the ronin thing for a while if you have to... it worked for Keitaro (Love Hina reference). Just don't give up...
"There is no greater joy than to be reborn in every heartbeat" - Belldandy