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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:23
Belldandy Gift

AMG: Death and Rebirth ?

Topics Ah! My Goddess AMG: Death and Rebirth ?
I used to think that the AMG was already dead (during the first period was when the movie was made, but I didn't watch it. And by some reasons, I stopped reading the manga from that time.):(. It may not quite popular compare to the other anime, and seems like only us watch/read the story. But when I found the TV series in this year, I was so happy that my favourite anime is still alive! :sweat: (then I checked and continue reading the manga). Even it's quite an old anime, but they're remaking them into TV series. How come they can rebirth after years? Does anyone know the reason?
What happened was, the new director wanted to animate as much of the original manga (given some alterations) as possible. The original OVA back in 1993 was just a probe at the market to test interest, but did not really follow the manga. So when the TV series was created, it was to cover for what the original OVA did not, and therefore we have 52 episodes of Aa! Megamisama now. And call it a hunch, but I believe that there may very well be a Season 3! Can't wait to see if I'm right!
So that's how come. There should be the Season 3 I still believe. Thanks :) .