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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:29
Belldandy Gift

Should the UN lead the war against terrorism?

Topics Misc Should the UN lead the war against terrorism?
Resolved: The United Nations should be the primary agent to lead and direct the fight against terrorism around the world.

I still have no idea what resolved means, but that is the resolution for October 2005 in Public Forum Debate (which is simply one of the forms of debate which is sponsored by the national forensics league, the guys who run speech and debate nationally).

Anyway, I was wondering if any of you have thoughts on this. (Thoughts which I could "borrow" and include in my case). Ugg...I have nothing so far...maybe I should just stick to interp events, but please do help me. Many thanks.
who are you my friend? are you one of them? i mean one of the UN foreigh execs? why make such topic?
what kind of war first? by the use of bang-bangs or by the use of campaigns?
I don't believe the UN should lead this 'war'. I don't think there should be a war at all, and people talk about it much too frequent to my liking.

Terrorism is afwul, naturally, it's ridiculous, cowardly and most of all deadly. Something should happen to stop it. But why not try to search the roots of terrorism, of this pure hate that causes people to act like freaking kamikaze's? I'm not confronted with it head on, really... not like a lot of other people are.
But a full-out war, as in the 'bang-bang' that Asgard-san mentioned... no. Absolutely no. Haven't people suffered enough? I think there's been enough fighting lately. Let's try talking and listening, for once.
There will always be terrorism.:sarc:
yeh there'll be always, as long as there is greed and poverty.
...and conflicts, as well...
as long as people are too closed minded to accept other people's beliefs, traditions, politics etc.... there will always be wars, conflics, terrorism etc...
Nice to meet you everyone.
I'm very surprised to take up such a problem on this site, but I'm going to describes my opinion.

The United Nations cannot compel peace, because the UN is not a International Nation or International Police.
The UN is exists as a center of diplomacy and the discussion, and a so-called international forum.
All the peace activities done in the world are not only the decision only by the United Nations, but also the agreement of the signatory.
experiment_jon said that the UN should be the primary agent to lead and direct the fight against terrorism, but it is impossible to fight in the United Nations.

Next, the extermination of the terrorism cannot be solved by the fight.
Reiyuka said "why not try to search the roots of terrorism".
I think it is very important opinion.
One of the roots of terrorism is poverty.
People who becomes a terrorist is born in the impecunious family, and he couldn't receive education enough.
All over the world, there are many people who still live in such environment, and they cannot have a dream.
It is said that this is a cause of the terrorism generation.

I'm sorry to send a long sentences, but I would be greatly appreciated if this opinion could be useful.
We appreciate your imput, Discovery-san, and I certainly agree with you. Also, Morphee-chan and Goku-san are also right; terrorism will most probably always be there. We're humans and humans are compelled to make mistakes, to fight wars, to love and to hate. The only thing we can do is to try and make the people around us stay safe and sane.

As for me, I'm trying my very best to help the racisme that's destroying my country out of our world and to make people realize that everyone is different, and that it should be respected. But trying my best is all I, or anyone, can do.
*nod nod* yes I agree with Discovery too...as a child, they grow up knowing nothing but killing ...because of the people and country they live by....for EX. Customs in ones religions...

POVERTY is a big thing..even still now of course...has anyone here heard of "THE ONE CAMPAIGN"?
there should'n be a war if there is were just going to be fighting ourselfes because were all human i would like to live in the world with out fear but it looks like it's never going to happen. war sucks!