Mom doesn't mind it much. She actually likes it since, when I talk about it, I'm always so enthusiastic and cheerful, and also because she knows that AMG and other anime have helped me find a sort of peace with myself.
Dad thinks it's funny but in the end he's also the one who's been buying me a couple of manga and suggested to let my sis's boyfriend (who did art school) to draw a bunch of anime characters on the wall.
My sis...well, she's already used to it, considering her boyfriend is crazy 'bout comics and also the one who first introduced me to manga. She loves Get Backers herself, but doesn't really like AMG that much. Probably since she always falls asleep while watching it. ^_^
Most of the people around me try to know something more about it and are amused with my obsession for AMG and anime/manga in general, but they try. I really appreciate that. They're all dolls.