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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 10:25
Belldandy Gift

What do your parents think of Ah! My Goddess?

Topics Ah! My Goddess What do your parents think of Ah! My Goddess?
I got around to showing my Mum scenes of the AMG Series. She laughs at all the scenes I show her and she said it looks quite good. It's great being able to talk out loud about it now. Instead of typing.

Anyone else's parents have an opinion of the show?
Not really, my parents see it as a cartoon, thats it, no more, no less. I suppose the feel that if it is a cartoon, it is not as bad. Ironic? But thats ok, i use it to my advantage ^-^ it just means I can rent any anime movie i want dispite the rating...well know that I think about it, I can rent almost anything i want minus porn. Well the point is they think R rated anime is still kids stuff :P But thats ok ^-^ their the ones that pay for my rentals, so no complaints :)
my parents do not know of Ah! My Goddess, actually they don't really get the idea of anime, which really annoys me at times! Anyway they dont really have a say of what anime i watch, im already in my early twenties!
Heh... I'm 30... they can think whatever they want. To pull a quote from FLCL, "I'm an adult now. I have my own insurance and everything." My mother doesn't care much for anime one way or the other... but she has seen a little. When she visits, I don't make her watch anime and when I visit, she doesn't make me watch the Ya Ya Sisterhood.

well, my parents arent exactly new to anime, i first started watching anime since i was a little kid at aged 4 or 5, it was my staple form of entertainment back then, it was my parents who gave me the anime to watch to keep me out of trouble ^^'. And now after a few years absence anime is now back in my life again. Though of course now i can watch the more deep and mature stuff.
My grandfather hooked me on anime ^-^ he's one of the sweet old guys that likes to play bingo and watch tv and have a good laugh. When i was little my favorite was dragonball, and it was always on the weekends with the saturday morning cartoons ^-^ Every time i slept over on the weekend, he would call me down as soon as it came on and we would sit togather to watch ^-^ i really love my grandfather and that is how our bonding first started, over anime! ^-^
I am only 17 yrs old so I still live with my Mum. I never introduced the show to my sister because she doesn't give shows a chance that she never found herself. If I were to talk about it to my sister she doesn't listen. Strange how my Mum, who doesn't watch anime, found AMG interesting.
i watch anime with all my siblings! it's makes it all the more fun!
It seems that anime has only touched our generation ^-^ I keep foregetting that anime is fairly recent here, when did it start in japan, does anyone know?

I only herd that anime actually started out as entertainment for men during the war (undergorund anime) and after that, it was turned in to shows and mangas. I could be wrong thoguh ^-^
as far as i know the animes of which we recognise in its current form goes all teh way back into the late 1970's. but i've first watch anime when i was 4-5 and im now in my early twenties! so it's not only one generation of fans we're talking about here. ^^
Well, I'm not of the same generation as most of you... It isn't just the current generation that likes anime. In the states anyway, my generation blazed the trail with stuff like Voltron, Robotech, Speed Racer, and Gigantor. At the time, it was an underground movement... you'd find maybe one place that had a few anime titles in a fairly large city. We'd take up a small room at the big sci-fi conventions. We watched anime in Japanese without subtitles, using a script that someone had translated to so we could follow along, since nobody was licensing the stuff, we were importing it. We did fan dubs (yes, fan dubs... I've been in a few of them) back when there was no world wide web, and the thought of watching a movie on your PC was science fiction.

Of course, in time, American companies noticed there was money to be made. They started watering down anime series for the little kiddies, so all you saw was editted just like Drag-on Ball and Sailor Moon. Considering those are how most people of the current generation were introduced to anime, I'm surprised that there are as many anime fans as there are. Thank goodness they've come to realize we want our anime uncensored and uneditted (well, mostly...*sigh*)

It is a lot better than it used to be. I had the AMG OVA on VHS, and my friends considered me the master for even finding it. These days, you can buy anime at a lot of places, but it wasn't always that way. Respect us old folks who had to spend as much as $75 bucks to get our local comic book store to special order a single anime VHS for us.

yes anime has grown very popular in my location, you will find every kind of sries available in the local book store, you can rent them at almost any movie store, and currently my tv channel YTV (chan 27 for you canadians) currently created a late night segment called 'Bionix' when they feature anime, such as Witch Hunter Robin, Inu-yasha, and Gundam Seed, now they have brought in a new one wich will be premiering soon called Hack//Sign, is it any good? Im really excited ^-^ an excellent canadian studio is 'Ocean Studio's' in Vancouver Canada, they do the voices for alot of the anime shows, such as Inuyasha and Ranma 1/2, not to mention the generally do not cut (accept for nudity) for what we see on tv, it is uncut in DVD format.
oh goddess! you guys are so lucky over where you are! over here in the UK the shops have next to nothing when it comes to anime, for almost 6 years its the same titles over and over in the shelves! and dont even consider the idea of seeing an anime channel over here! closest thing we have is whats on Cartoon Network!
But i guess im fine with that ^^' i get my animes on DVD whether from import or home, that way i can keep them forever and ever! ^^
i wish the online shops here would stock more anime titles though.
I hope there won't be nudity when I get the DVDs. My Mum knows about the show now and if she found that out she'll be wondering what I'm watching it for.

I mean me and my sister watch Inuyasha and it's got nudity in it sometimes and we don't watch Inuyasha in front of her for this reason. She said to us that she doesn't understand why we don't watch it in front of her. We just say it's too violent for her to see and we don't want her to have nightmares.:sheep: Me and my sister look away when nudity comes up. What can I say, I respect woman's personal space and don't look. It's the way I was raised I guess.

Oh yes Keiichi-K1 there is an anime channel over hear. Just not a very good one. Toonami.
lucky Canadians, .hack is an excellent series and it is worth the time to watch it.

As for what my parents think of Goddess/anime...
well, first I'm lucky to have my sister who perhaps is even more into most of it than I am, but since I was first I know my parents blame me...

My mother seems to just have blinders in to the hole thing, she knows her children watch and enjoy so she sees no reason to mess it up. (I think allot of this is the fact that is doesn’t cost much since most of our anime is DL or barrowed)

My father though does seem to take an effort on the subject and will listen to J-rock when it is played and can actually tell the difference between the more regularly watched shows.

Than their is the fact i have been getting mocked for the last weak that YUA is a "sick and wrong" show due to a sertin character introduced in eps 5 (I blame you K1!)