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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:11
Belldandy Gift

Belldandy's sad expression

Topics Ah! My Goddess Belldandy's sad expression
Ummm, K1. I'm not so sure that I agree with that comment. Of course, I admit I usually don't watch horror/gore flicks myself, in any genre. Even in anime you can find examples where things are a bit too over the top. Although I think this occurs less in anime than in western films, much less even. lol
Anywho, even going by expressions it's hard to tell what anyone's thinking. As to causes that's even more difficult.All you can really tell is what they're feeling. Of course tis does make one curious and more likely to follow the story.
Ahh, the joys of possible foreshadowing.
The Eccentric Elf
Sorry guys but i stick with what i say ^-^ There are some animes way to over the top and descriptive in gore. There was one I believe it was called 'Tokyo Reserected' The whole thing was nudity and gore. Did not like it at all. True Blue was murdering, double personalities, petafiles...yadayada, X.x Don't wantch it unless you 18, with a strong stomach and are extremly mature! ^-^ However when i rented it, it said PG-14, Ha!

We usually don't see the more badly made animes with mindless anime anyways ^-^ thank goodness.
True Blue? is that an alternative title to Perfect Blue?
I've seen Perfect Blue, it has a lot of adult elements in it but i think it is a good anime film, with a lot of plot twists and serious psychological stuff. you can pretty much tell the rating of an anime by finding a little bit about it, i mean dont believe in the rating on the box (ie PG-14 etc) use your own sense of judgement for pete's sake!
All I have to say about anime not being mindless blood and gore is "End of Evangelion". You can make broad generalizations about anything you want, doesn't make them correct.

A bad movie is a bad movie no matter where it comes from. If people stopped watching them, I promise you, they'd stop making them.


"Let the Battle cry go forth, which is give the people what they want."
it all boils down to personal preference and opinion, i mean i like Perfect Blue and i also think End of Evangelion is pretty good, though a bit depressing.
whoops, sorry sorry ment to say 'Perfect Blue" I was looking at something else that said "True Blue.' I did not like it at all, I thought it was to blood fest for me, the idea and plot was good, but to muvch accessive gorte and torturew that i did not want to see, not to mention they screwed up on the rating it should have been R but the box said Pg, some movie stores do that, the put an incorrect rating over the government rating so unsuspecting viewrs get somethign they don't want to see, so its not always a matter of judgment unfortunatly. Has anyone seen Yotoden though? I saw the promo and saw nothing but gore and monsters eating girls, so out of curioisity is that all the movie is about, or was that just the promo trying to appeal to horror lovers?
Perfect Blue is rated 18 where i come from. On the thing with Yototen, if the gore etc in the trailer disturbed you then you shouldnt be looking into it any further. If you couldnt handle the trailer you have no hope with the full length movie
Nah its not necissarly the notion of watching it, its just natural curioisity, this is a very confusing them about me, i hate watching it, but Im fascinated when it comes to hearing about it. Most likely because Im more timid when it comes to even concieving thoughts that pertains to brutal human killing. Which branches another thing that fascinates me, the human phycie pertaining to such situations and why so many people can handle it, others can't, and a fewe like my self are simply fascinated ^-^
i suppose its human nature to be curious, on the thing with violence some people have a higher threshold for viewing it than others. Although i dont really like watching that many violent anime, i've rewatched AD Police OVA on DVD last night, i only then realised how violent it is but it was a good watch. Lucky for me i had my Sora Unchained AMG manga to read and put me back in the Ah! My Goddess mood! :bg:
AD Police? whats that? So many animes I've never herd of I find myself asking over and over 'whats this' 'whats that' like a little kid, hahaha.
AD Police is an anime in what people would call the cyber genre. its about an advanced police unit in the future where androids called Voomers are made to serve humans. However sometimes Voomers turn renegade and the AD Police is called in to deal with the emergency. AD Police depicts a rundown future in the city of Megatokyo (think Bladerunner style) and features a lot of violence and gore.
It also happens to be a spin-off of Bubblegum Crisis.

now there is a name

hehe yeah, i have always wondered about the title Bubblegum Crisis , i dont think the anime has anything to do with actual bubblegum ^^' but it makes for an interesting unique title.!
Dunno why but AD Police reminds me of Armitage III (did i spell it right?) Accept most of the robots are used for ahem..erm personal concubines for guys...i guess is the best way to put it lol. However there is tehe more advanced version like Armatage where you can't tell the difference between machine and human until you rip them apart. It was interesting the art was fantastic however I believe it was a OAV series so i never saw it all but enough ^-^