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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 10:56
Belldandy Gift

Kimi ga nozomu eien

Topics Manga & Anime Kimi ga nozomu eien
That's a quite weird OAV out there.
For those who haven't watched it yet little explanation: story is 'bout guy named Takayuki and 2 girls - Haruka and Hayase. Takayuki is quite opposite to Keiichi-san, and it would b useless lookin' for our cute goddesses among those girls. But as story goes, many sad thinks happens and many choices are to be made. After this anime i had to think over once again many things...

Whole series was based on HENTAI game. As a matter of fact it was said to have great storyline for hentai game :p (i dun know, never played it... but i think i'd love to play it just a bit cuz different endings are possible ^_~) After removing most of nudity it became game once again, this time for psx (not 100% sure). And finally it became an anime. What is strange, it has 14 episodes, not 13.

What i found interesting in this one, is that each and every character has it's own unique past, it's way of living and way of dealing with problems. It makes this just more real.
Also, this Anime is told to be "for girls only", cuz "guys wouldn't understand it". As a matter of fact, i'm a male, and i loved it :p And every male i made to watch it was also stunned by this one ;3
If U haven't seen it - try getting first 2 episodes. If, after second, U won't want more, it is not anime for U ^_~ Simple and clean :3

For those who have seen it, here comes two most common questions:
1) Haruka or Hayase ? Why ?
2) Takayuki - BAKA (idiot) or great guy ? Why ?

As it's almost impossible now to get this subbed properly ([Lunar] was asked not to redistribute it over the web), and it's probably impossible to buy it in Your country, i'll gladly leave here a torrent to, probably, the very last one copy of this one. There is 'bout 10 peers only, and 2 seeds (including me) so it IS slow, but still it's possible to get.
I'm sorry that i'm not postin' it in torrent related topic v.v
this series is far from the first to produce an intriguing anime from an adult ren'ai game, (another example would be "To Heart").
I have to disagree with some of your points, Takayuki isn't really the opposite of Keiichi, he still has the same overly kind, self-depreciating attitude towards events in his life, he just has a stronger sense of conviction and self-worth.
For those that watch the series you will notice one design flaw caused by the storyline's origins, all the girls are presented equally, each given points which makes Takayuki choosing them seem perfectly viable, making it difficult to know who you want to route for/who is the best choice etc, this problem repeats at the end of the show, leaving you with an uneasy "what if?" sensation. (Perhaps a not so subtle ploy to get you to buy the game so you can find out just that)

Oh, and to answer the first question: Haruka (I don't know why)
When lookin' at Takayuki this way, i can't disagree ^^ He has some parts of Keiichi-san's attitude. When writtin' that Takayuki was Keiichi-san's opposite i was thinkin' 'bout his way of dealing with girls :3 I simply can't imagine Keiichi actin' like Takayuki in f.e. second episode (after festival and being late; sorry, i'd like not to spoil anything ;/) ^^'

i forgot to answer to my own questions -.-'
1) Haruka - i just like that innocent type of girls
2) don't know... I was asked this question by person whom i had this anime from... but i never could answer it ^^'
Hmm..interesting I'll check it out.
how old that anime?
from 2003
so it almost young and new...
I don't remember well this anime (i have it but long time i don't see it). I remember only i want to push over a cliff the male character, but i don't know why:sheep:
because he sways back and forth between which of the girls he's really interested in every episode perhaps? one episode he's decided on Haruka, the next he's right back again to his previous choice.
hmm...it's bcoming less & less interesting...sighs.
Why can't the creators come up with somethn fresh,new, & original?!?!
you mean they have jsut the same old stories? well that's bad....i have a good story in my mind and i like to present it in fanfics with some of the images that will add some drama to the story...bad thing is that i dno't have much time...
I've now watced the show and I have to say that this is the most giving and sadest anime I've ever seen. I disagree that the animes ending is sad, cause I think it is the perfect ending, and I felt really relieved that he finally did chose and after what I can see the right one.

I will reccomend everyone to watch this show, cause I really enyoed it. The deep thing in the plot that I noticed was that non of the persons where happy before they actually moved on from the past.
That was one freakin sad anime! It reminded me of a soap opera on TV but BETTER acting and story line. I just glad it isn't based on a true story or I would be very depressed all week. Life would be hard if someone had to live a simular life to this. :(
I agree with that the show reminds me of a soap opera, but I wish that it had been based on the authors experiences or be based on a true story. That had made the anime even deeper and sadder.

Has anyone seen this show without getting a little tear in their eye?
I tihnk that what makes the strength of this anime is precisely the fact that such a thing could happen to anybody. You feel touched because it's so realistic.