That's a quite weird OAV out there.
For those who haven't watched it yet little explanation: story is 'bout guy named Takayuki and 2 girls - Haruka and Hayase. Takayuki is quite opposite to Keiichi-san, and it would b useless lookin' for our cute goddesses among those girls. But as story goes, many sad thinks happens and many choices are to be made. After this anime i had to think over once again many things...
Whole series was based on HENTAI game. As a matter of fact it was said to have great storyline for hentai game :p (i dun know, never played it... but i think i'd love to play it just a bit cuz different endings are possible ^_~) After removing most of nudity it became game once again, this time for psx (not 100% sure). And finally it became an anime. What is strange, it has 14 episodes, not 13.
What i found interesting in this one, is that each and every character has it's own unique past, it's way of living and way of dealing with problems. It makes this just more real.
Also, this Anime is told to be "for girls only", cuz "guys wouldn't understand it". As a matter of fact, i'm a male, and i loved it :p And every male i made to watch it was also stunned by this one ;3
If U haven't seen it - try getting first 2 episodes. If, after second, U won't want more, it is not anime for U ^_~ Simple and clean :3
For those who have seen it, here comes two most common questions:
1) Haruka or Hayase ? Why ?
2) Takayuki - BAKA (idiot) or great guy ? Why ?
As it's almost impossible now to get this subbed properly ([Lunar] was asked not to redistribute it over the web), and it's probably impossible to buy it in Your country, i'll gladly leave here a torrent to, probably, the very last one copy of this one. There is 'bout 10 peers only, and 2 seeds (including me) so it IS slow, but still it's possible to get.
I'm sorry that i'm not postin' it in torrent related topic v.v