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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 10:53
Belldandy Gift


Woo...close call tol.. thanks... :E
hmmmm...how am i gonna edit mine?....you've changed your post...hehehehehe...
I hope theres a heaven for dogs, my dog died today and Im very sad but I thinks this is better because I didnt want to see him suffer anymore, it only was going to get worse and I cant watch an animal that is suffering, but Im not 100% sure that this was the best option...
Im pretty sure there is a place for dogs in heaven where everything is okay to chew on, the food bowl is always full, and their masters are always free to play with them. While I don't know all the details of how his suffering came to be, Im pretty sure that the reason you ended it was because the vet said that nothing could be done or that there was too small a margin. Im sure you made the best decision given the circumstances.

I can relate to haveing a dog die on you, one day when I headed out to go feed my dogs, I rounded the corner and saw my dotson (daschound or weiner dog) sleeping on the ground which was strange since she is perked up and jumping around during that time and she still didnt move when I called her. I saw ants crawling around her closed eyes and I wondered why she wasnt responding to the ants. So then I went up to her and touched her in the thigh and it was very stiff and at that instant that I touched her, I remembered a part in Tom Sawyer when Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are talking about how stiff a dead cat is that Tom has (forget now why he has it but has something planned for the dead cat). I knew at that moment that she was dead, I later cried for about an hour over her. I miss that little weiner dog, she may have been the dumbest dog to live but I still loved her.
Me also. . .i know that it is very sad if your pet dog dies, especially if that dog had served you to protect your house for almost a decade.

You see, back when i was, i think, 2 years old, my gramps gave us a puppy. We named him 'Luke' (but we pronounce it as LOOKIE). We raised him, took care of him, and loved him...until he became an adult dog. At his young years, he was so big and heavy, and we are very happy when we play with him.

Almost ten years had passed and Luke became an old dog. He got ill until he died. We were so sad at that time. It feels that...an important part of our family had passed away...Up to this time, i still miss him. He can be stubborn, but we still love him.