Really Tails? i didn't hear about that, hmm that is a good theory ^-^
It is a human trait to want to believe in something that may not exist, because it is exiting and mystical. Like King Aurther, no one really knows if he existed, him and the nights of the round table seeking the Holey Grail. and the Holey Grail is another myth, I believe the story begain in Rem Le Chateau whren a priest found bible scriptures within a support columb, with possible hidden clues as to its where abouts. Another theory is that the Holey Grail is actually a symbol of Mary Magdalines children. Do you know that there are bible stories if Mary Magdalin and Jesus being in love with one another? Not tryign to get into religeon, simply history, but the belief is Mary Magdalin bore Jesus' child, therefore her womb was the Holy Grail and Jesus' descents walk the face of the planet to this day. The idea is pretty cool, but is it true? there is no concrete evidents.
The same goes with tlantis, the idea is appealing ^-^ but does it exist, in the Atlantic ocean i believ, what is called The Moonlight Path (Correct me if im wrong on the name) is found in the water. it looks like square slabs of stone forming a path that suddenly disappears. Scientists say that there is no way the path could have been created naturally. So there are beliefs that it may be the path to Atlantis.
Diazo, why don't you share your story on the two barried cities you just mentioned ^-^ This topic seems to be getting more interesting.