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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 22:22
Belldandy Gift

Atlantis, is it real?

Topics Misc Atlantis, is it real?
I always found the idea of a lost city appealing and fascinating ^-^ Research is being done and more evidance of a possible sunken city is being found. What your point of views on this subject? Do you think it really existed, or its just human idiology at play? I am interested in everyones response to the idea of an Atlantis existing ^-^
well I think there have been real lost cities, such as pompeii...
I do know that the egyptians believed that their high priest came from a utopian society...some suggest that it was atlantis hence the reason they were so advanced for that time
I believe it was socrete's who started the whole theory of atlantis, although it might have been plato, I dont remember.
While I do think the idea is cool as of right now I dont think they have any real substancial proof of it ever really existing (atlantis that is)

If you wish I could ramble on more about theories and things of that sort, but I think Im starting to annoy people with that
hmmm i've not really given this much thought before, although when i was a kid i really liked reading about mysteries and stuff and really wanted Atlantis to have existed. Now im not quite sure, though more and more evidence are being uncovered indicating there was an Atlantis. If it is true, it would be rather worrying, how could an entire land mass just sink into the sea like that? i hope it wont happen again.
The idea is a little frightening yes. However i wonder sometimes if the name Atlantis is really used as a general term for lost cities. What we know as Atlantis would not be the first city destroyed, it happens a fair amount of times through history. Forgive me for my bad memory I'd love to give some examples but currently i can'tput my finger on it other then Pompeii simply because it was mentioned by Diazo. I feel like Dori off Finding Nemo, Im just as bad as her when it comes to memory loss ^-^'

I remember reading something about a lost civilization unbarried a few years ago, I believe it was related to Aztek (bot not that particular people).
I think they found Sodem and Gomarrah (spelling?)
Which if you read the Catholic Bible was turned to ashes

(Sorry im not trying to get religious or anything)
Well I think Atlantis is real. I have a theory about how it sank. I think a Tsunami sank it. When that Asian Tsunami happened recently, It said on the news that some island are wiped off the map and are underwater.

Anyone think it could be possible?
Really Tails? i didn't hear about that, hmm that is a good theory ^-^

It is a human trait to want to believe in something that may not exist, because it is exiting and mystical. Like King Aurther, no one really knows if he existed, him and the nights of the round table seeking the Holey Grail. and the Holey Grail is another myth, I believe the story begain in Rem Le Chateau whren a priest found bible scriptures within a support columb, with possible hidden clues as to its where abouts. Another theory is that the Holey Grail is actually a symbol of Mary Magdalines children. Do you know that there are bible stories if Mary Magdalin and Jesus being in love with one another? Not tryign to get into religeon, simply history, but the belief is Mary Magdalin bore Jesus' child, therefore her womb was the Holy Grail and Jesus' descents walk the face of the planet to this day. The idea is pretty cool, but is it true? there is no concrete evidents.

The same goes with tlantis, the idea is appealing ^-^ but does it exist, in the Atlantic ocean i believ, what is called The Moonlight Path (Correct me if im wrong on the name) is found in the water. it looks like square slabs of stone forming a path that suddenly disappears. Scientists say that there is no way the path could have been created naturally. So there are beliefs that it may be the path to Atlantis.

Diazo, why don't you share your story on the two barried cities you just mentioned ^-^ This topic seems to be getting more interesting.
The mystery of Atlantis could be explained by many programs on tv and texts that I have seen.

1) It lay somewhere in the Carribean
2) It was Santorini in the Mediterranean
3) It was the continent Antartica
4) It lay off the coast of Africa

anytime from 10,500 BC to 1630 BC

End result of Atlantis demise:
simultaneous development of advanced culture in both Central America and Egypt around the same time.

This is all stuff that I have read or seen within the last few years, so I'm just passing it on, don't hold me to be accurate!

the supposed position of Atlantis makes you wonder what the ppl on atlantis was like? how did they dress? what language did they speak? if it really was situated between Africa and Central America would that mean the their culture is a cross between african and aztec etc?
They say the were supposed to be technoligy advanced. I myself don't beieve those myths of harnassing electricity and alternative pwer sources, ect. However I do believe they would have been much like the aztecs with eleborate temple structures, and most likely they would have believed in gods and goddesses (a much popular beliefe at the time)

If the island sank, then it must have happend at least 2000 years ago, because there is no clue (accept possible the moonlight path) of a city ever being there. How can an entire city disappear without a trace?

What I don't udnerstand, is why the funds are so low to have proper research done, is it because the government would not see reason to spend the tax payers dollars on something that may not exist? It seems a shame because how can we properly know, if we do not try. Thats the problem with our race, if there is no evidence, then there is no existance.
there are both good and bad points to this argument. Some can argue that spending resources on atlantis is a waste of money, it would be better used to research new medicine or feed the hungry. Whereas some might argue that discovering the past is the root of being human and truth must be uncovered.
Personally i think it is better to take things in moderation, uncovering the truth about Atlantis is a beautiful thing but it is more important to deal with the worlds real problems first.
True ^-^ but it doesm't necissairly have to be the government (altough they could help) but I am sure there are several organizations out there that would fund something like this. Not a huge sum of coarse, but enough to give a little push t help explorers.

I wonder, given the Earths natural dendancy to unbarry things on land (fossils surfacing to the face of the Earth) can the samre thing happen under water from waves pushing the sands and rocks away? ^-^ Well, if that were the case then maybe e would have found things earlier, now im just contradicting myself ^-^'
well, the problem with that theory is that the sea level is probably rising faster that ever, with flooding in some areas of land becoming more frequent. Plus if even if the waves do unbury the remains of atlantis, divers would still have to dive deep down to see it. One of the greatest challenges of underwater exploration is the huge depth of the water, go too far down and the pressure would be really crushing!
Sorry to sink your theory Kitori (opps "sink" ^^')., however dont be too discouraged beoos underwater exploration technology is advancing everyday with more sophisticated robots! ^^ ganbatte!
Might be a myth............ I think they just took it off from some Roman Legend or something....
Sorry for my Late reply, Ms Kitori. I have been going though my books to see what I can find relating to these topics discussed in this thread. I shall update this post later tonight with some of my thoughts on the matter.