Did you even bother to read my post? You seem to have made a lot of snap judgements about me that are not borne out by what I said. At no point did I even mention fanservice. Just because I don't agree with your opinion is no reason to try and downgrade my arguement to such a level (not trying to be harsh, but trying to put words in my mouth is really one of my pet peeves). You were the one to bring up fanservice, not me. Besides, Please Teacher had a TON of fanservice, in fact, probably more than Please Twins. The entire last episode of Please Teacher is "Who will shag Kei first?".
To answer your question, I watched them in the order they were released, and although I'm not finished with Please Twins yet (as only 2 of the DVDs have been released in the US so far), I find the story to have much more suspense and drama. As I pointed out, they set Please Teacher up in the first few episodes so there was only one possibly way it could go. Come on, did anyone seriously think Kei would not end up with Mizuho, even for a second?
In my opinion, there is a lot more tension and suspense in Please Twins, because there is no way to know how it will end, since there isn't enough information to know which of the girls is Maiku's sister and which is the stranger. That's what makes me like it more, it keeps me guessing. There was never really any suspense to Please Teacher, so, although I liked it and it is one of my favorite anime series, I feel it is surpassed by Please Twins.