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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 18:03
Belldandy Gift

Any horse owners/riders out there?

Topics Misc Any horse owners/riders out there?
I used to ride horses at a farm in Brazil, and I still do whenever I go back there. i consider myself fairly competent ( although the experience was gained in a series of very embarassing incidents). Of course, many Brazilian landowners consider you to be good at riding only if you could ride and shoot at the same time, and I have never done that, and I do not plan to.
To angel feathers, milking a cow is really fun, as long as the cow is properly tethered and you are not standing at the wrong end. It is especially good because you can drink the piping hot milk straight away( or mixed with cocoa powder if you cannot stand the heavy milk taste). Do remember to get your TB shots, if you do not trust the cow, although this was not really necessary for those in Brazil, as they all eat grass and are very healthy.
wow kewl and yea tsu bare back riding is fun at times
Wow, s125, that's really great! I have to admit, I'm pretty much a city girl; I have nooo farm experience whatsoever. I used to ride about 10 years ago, and I was pretty good back then. I took lessons for about 4 years total. I got good enough that my instructor used me as a "test dummy" for some of the new horses. That was interesting. :sweat: Unfortunately, one of them prooved to be way more than I could handle, and after some pretty rough injuries, I was pretty spooked. I just recently started riding again, and it's just to relax. I don't intend to compete at all, just get to where I can ride a calm horse and not fall off. :P I love horses too much to stay away from them.
i love horses i kinda own one because its my aunts but i use it more than here his name is Stricker and he is a black warmblood stalian and i love him and love to ride him.

ooo, a warmblood... it's been a decade since I rode a *big* horse like that. He was a bay thoroughbred named Snips. I love riding big horses, their gaits are much more comfortable. I prefer the cold-bloods, tho, for their temperment. I've spent enough of my riding hours clinging for dear life to a spooking Arabian :P