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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:25
Belldandy Gift

The Most Scary Thing i Ever Saw

Topics Misc The Most Scary Thing i Ever Saw
about 15 min ago i saw the most scary thing in my life
it was very unusual
it was very quite in my street [around 2 am] i was sitting on my porche smoking and talking to my friend in the cellphone..
few min after it i finished smoking and when i was about to put out my cigarette i saw a VERY fast flying object in the sky witch made no sound it had light this bright white light under it [ it really was wierd cuz it didnt had sound like the mig 29 i saw few months ago]
for 3 sec after i saw it i froze i couldnt move and i couldnt breathe it was my scariest moment in my entire life
i became nervous and couldnt stop moving after i saw it
i dont really belive in aliens, etc but i knew that there was at least intelligent life form as us in one of other trillion stars on the univeres
i just had experienced one of my scariest moments of my life and when i saw it i couldnt talk back to my friend he thought something happend to me..
i cant forget that picture of the fast moving object in the sky and the white bright light underneath it..
O.o are u ok now??
thats really odd, i cant tell what you had just said..
aside from the smoke, have you had a couple of drinks? booze?
was there anything on your mind before that?
maybe ur brain just came up something that weird,
or maybe you were just too tired and like u were 1/4 asleep..

aliens aliens aliens... i wonder... i dunno
anyway, you shouldnt take it too seriously right now...
panic if you see it again... =)
no i didnt drink today and the only think was on my mind that time is what i was talking
with my friend on the cellphone [witch airsoft gas gun i will buy]
i never saw a thing like that it wasnt very high and i never belived in aliens or something like that but
now i start to doubt it
and im not tierd i usually go sleep at 3 am because i start school at 10 am since its the end of the year
but what i saw was really scary and i had to take my moms relaxing pills

and i dont want people to think im crazy or something but im just telling what i saw
I won't tell anyone if I were you,
what if what you see trully an allien ship,
and they already infiltrate this earth,
and they read what you wrote at this site,
and they intention on earth is not good,
You gonna be kidnaped
and... I can't imagine the rest.
Or I'm the one that they gonna kidnaped because I'm the one who write their intention...
waaa, run, hiding...

Well, I find strange, if you do believe in other living being [at outher space] but you don't believe in alien...
Since alien is a living being that we haven't know and they lived at other space.

But, after all, I just hoping that it is just an angel that patroling and they bring the light of peace, or something like that.
Hmm, did the aliens made some sort of experiences with you?
Maybe they would find humans have almost no intelligence compared to them Hehe ;)
no.. this is my first time spotting a ufo on the skys
lol let's assume that there are aliens on earth
why would they read on the internet?
even if they would try to use the internet they would come across alot of porn sites
all i know is that i saw a very fast object that slashed the skys in 1 sec witch scared the s**t out of me
XD haha... so it probably wasnt aliens experimenting on you...
its probably the government trying to develop
some kind new of spying tech or worse x_x

or it could just be your average intelligent gadget geek next door
making triks on his new invention...
take Skuld for example...

for now just dont panic!!
i've seen horrible stuff... x_x
yeah i think it was some sort of a spy plane
they develop it just had light under it and it didnt make any noise
it didnt make any sense and dont worry now im fine
i dont panic but i sometimes look in the sky a bit more

god know what was that thing
yeah, a spy drone, like the one in C&C Generals.. :D
at least they dont attck x_x

XD ever played sims 2 ?
this happens on the game:
if you gaze to much on stars/sky, aliens will abduct u...
The most scariest thing? :inoc:

The 'blue screen of death'....nah just kidding... :P
heh lol i wounder what was it if it wasnt a super quite spy aircraft with super lights under it [thats how i name it]
is there an airport of somesorts in your area, cause i live near, have seen B-2 bombers fly, and they are pretty quite so my guess is that it was probably a stealth plane of some sort
yeah there but its a millitry airport there are only fighters and bomber plains there i was there
almost a year ago..
check this out the last couple of days ive started seeing that aircraft frequently the wierd stuff is im seeing it every day in the same hours actually im seeing it twice a day one in the night one in the evening its not an alien spaceship or something [i dont know for sure] but im pretty sure it was airplain shaped objective witch is very silent and moves at a great speed me and my friend saw that thing he was almost in shock from seeing that
my best guess is theyre trying to develop some aircraft [its speed is awesome] and that thingy can cross the sky in a sec
I can see sometimes faces... They'll just appaer. Allways at night. That is freaking scary. Maybe it's only my fancy playing tricks on me. :S

Or perhaps I am only weirdo.
We may never know.. O.o