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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:11
Belldandy Gift

What do people learn from watching Japanese anime?

Topics Misc What do people learn from watching Japanese anime?
I don't know if this is the forum I should put this in or not. Forgive me mods if it isn't.

I learn things when I watch anime in Japanese. I'm even starting to learn a little bit of the Japanese language and culture. I have always wanted to learn Japanese. Anyone else learn anything about Japan when watching anime?
i can speak very basic japaneese words because of anim..... ^^ very basic.... but i know someone who actually learns japaneese which classes and all....
It depends...very serious ones can learn you about stuff like morality, honor, the romantic mumbo-jumbo that I love so dearly.

But you're right, watching anime in Japanese makes you learn some. It's like that with all shows you watch in another language, though. You learn certain catch phrases that you remember, certain words that are used a lot and such. Watching TV is one of the best ways to learn another language. My teachers are always telling me to watch more German and French TV, really.
Well I think in my point to see anime....you are watching another world with another sence of respect more deeply, about others and yourselft...remember the true value of promise... Yakusoko
"learn you about stuff".....do you live around here Rei? sounds like it.
there are things to learn (mostly phrases) from anime, but a person can also pick up quite a few bad habits learning from a television.
I want to learn the Japanese language because of anime. It is easier to pick up a few things while watching it, but I mainly pick up on the cultural aspects instead of lingual.

It's amazing what TV can teach you. My father's co-worker for instance. He picked up on the English language (and learned to speak it fluently) from watching Looney Toons... How cool is that?
suufffaarin succatash i hope you father's co-worker doesnt end up talking like p.p.. p.. p. p.orrky p p p pig! lol (sorry little humour there)

on the subject i think you can lot from anime, one thing is the Japanese language of course and also the culture. But it can teach you a lot of life lessons as well and no western show can.
For example i've been watching anime since i was a little kid, and anime i watched then showed good guys losing battles or getting killed sometimes. the stories doesnt show a clean cut between good and evil but there are two sides to each story. Plus the very emotional animes i've seen when a kid showed me the value of life, family friendship etc (tears start welling up)
I guess i must hav took all this aboard when growing up i learned that life can have losses and not evrything is all sugar coated.
Oh! i made my self depressed now!
well lol dad you are funni but me being me i can learn a lot for jap anime(and the fact me is learning jap!)in all types of anime when thei are speaking jap you can learn hmm for example like when jap tv shows have the subtitles you can slow it down and learn word for word to me that's something that makes learning jap easi well at least in mi point of view it is and hmm these are few of the things i've learned for jap anime
Ohayo gozaimasu - good morning
Konnichiwa - good day/hello
Konbanwa - good evening
Oyasumi nasai - good night
Asa - morning
Yuugata / Yoru - evening / night
Sayonara - good bye

Ichigatsu - January
Nigatsu - February
Sangatsu - March
Shigatsu - April
Gogatsu - May
Rokugatsu - June
Shichigatsu - July
Hachigatsu - August
Kugatsu - September
Jugatsu - October
Juichigatsu - November
Junigatsu - December
i learned all that 5 minutes ago form an anime show
The Japanese language is the only language I want to learn. Now I can say Good evening to my Mum and make her confused thanks to you typing them words in.:bg:

I only pretty much know very basic words but I'm learning. I want to go to Japan someday.

I heard in a documentary that Jackie chan and one of Osama Bin Laden's EX-aids learned English from watch movie from America.
So dayo ne. Neh Angelfeathers-chan, anta nihonjin steki na. Gambatte! Mina-san konbonwa! Hisashiburi dayo na. Matta atta ne. Sayonara! Reiyuka-chan, Lion-kun, tabun wa kaerimasu. Ja Ne! ^_^ jimmy
lol yay! jimmi *hugs* see he learned a lot of jap from anime!
What did you say anyway Jimmy?

Well anyway I hope to speak it someday anyway.....

Is the word "Sama" meant to show respect when included in someone's name? I mean like as if you were calling them lord or master? Just wondering.
I learned about the Stormtrooper effect from anime.

The more bad guys shooting at the hero, the less likely they are going to hit.

Joking of course.
looks like the bad guys are running low on funds to hire such wash outs to hitthe enemy.
Another thing I learned from watching anime there is only one unit of currency in Japan, Yen. Not like Britain or America with Pounds and pence or Dollars and cents. 100 yen stores are the same as Doller stores or Pound shops.

I also didn't know there was such a thing as a table with a heater underneath it either. I kneel on the floor all the time so that would be my kind of table.:)