Well I was thinking, since it exists a Michelin(don't know if it is spelled right at all)guide for restaurants that we could make a similar guide with animes/mangas. A guide where we list animes/mangas by giving them a score in stars. And if the list becomes good maybe the mods can put it on the site or something.
well here is how i think the pointing should be:
1 star = Steer away, this is anime/manga at the worst.
2 stars = Waste of time
3 stars = okey. Not good, not bad
4 stars = Pretty good. Very good and entertaning at times, but something is bad or missing
5 stars = Good, worth watching. A entertaining serie, but misses that little extra to be a classic.
6 stars = Awesome! a classic. This is anime/manga at it's very best. Legendary
well this is my list of the things I have read or watched:
6 stars:
Love Hina (Manga & anime)
Naruto (anime)
AMG (manga & anime)
Dragonball Z (anime)
5 stars:
Onegai teacher(anime)
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien(anime)
Bleach (anime)
4 stars:
Tenjou Tenge (anime & manga)
Ichigo 100% (anime)
Ai Yori Aoshi (anime)
Strawberry Panic (anime)
3 stars:
Green green (anime)
Dragonball GT (anime)
please comment if you disagree with my list, and make one yourselves.
Well I hope so many posts, so we will get a long list in the end.