Wow that website does have every (I think) chapter! I've never actually read any of the manga myself and have only watched the anime TV series. Seeing as how the anime is on a hiatus, I now am left with nothing to satisfy my fix for AMG. With that in mind, I've actually contemplated about reading the manga because I heard quite a number of things either 1. haven't happened yet in the anime or 2. have been omitted. If I were to start, does anyone recommend a chapter or anything? I know the obvious place to start would be the beginning, but I really don't want to have to start there because 1. I don't have THAT much time and 2. I really don't like repetition. Unless some plot elements seriously deviate from the anime, is there a good place to start bearing in mind all that I've already watch season 1 and 2 of the anime? Or just particularly interesting chapters? Also, I know this sounds like a very tedious thing to ask, but what chapters exactly has the anime episodes covered?
Sorry for the trouble anyone who answers (if someone answers) has to go through to help me. I really appreciate it.