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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:57
Belldandy Gift

Is Keiichi...

Topics Ah! My Goddess Is Keiichi...
Daijoubou! think nothing of it Melichan! a good post is a good post!
it kinda solidifies your point about quality over quantity in that other thread of yours right Larry!
Exactly... and a well written, insightful post should be rewarded in my opinion. Sure some people may abuse this, but they won't really be gaining anything by it. That's actually the reason why I think two other people should have to recommend a post (instead of just one). A post that touches a lot of people might earn somebody as many as 20 feathers. Just having friends recommend your posts might earn you 1 or 2 feathers, which you can earn more easily by spamming.


"People who look down on others the way that man does never have good fortune. Besides... people like him can't be ALLOWED to win. I REFUSE to allow it!!" - Belldandy
hmmm... but that idea might itself be open to abuse. for example one person can put a post up then pm two friends to recommend it and voila instant feathers, which would further facilitate the growth of certain so called fans to levels where they can leech pics.
Nice quote Marcus said it didn't he?
You mean my quote from B5??? Nope, it was Lennier.

Marcus was always one of my favorite though...


"I am a Ranger!
We walk in the Dark Places no others will enter.
We stand on the Bridge, and no one shall pass.
We live for the One, we die for the One.
Entil'za Vini, in Valen's name!"

That one's from Marcus.
i dont watch Babylon 5 so i wouldnt even know if those quotes are accurate or not! LOL
Anybody here a Star Trek fan? In fact Kosuke Fujishima himself is a Star Trek fan, he even drew cameo appearances for Picard, Data and Enterprise in the Oh My Goddess! manga.
I'm a fan of the original Star Trek, but everything else has been crap as far as I'm concerned. The problem with Star Trek: the Next Generation was that every episode was the same episode....

One member of the crew is having a personal problem, meanwhile, the ship is in danger. That one crew member figures out the solution to their problem, and in doing so, gains enough insight to come up with a convenient "treknobabble(tm)" solution to save the ship.

If you haven't watched Babylon 5, I cannot recommend it enough. It is a 5 year long novel for TV, with deep 3 dimensional characters, a compelling story, and writing that is out of this world (pun intended). Also, rumors persist that Paramount rushed to make DS9 in an attempt to hijack the story of Babylon 5 (the creator had even pitched it to Paramount and got shot down). Suprisingly, just after Warner Bros picked it up, Paramount announced DS9. Jerks,

As DS9 went on, the story became more and more a copy of B5... it wasn't even funny.

Babylon 5 is SciFi the way it should be. If you do watch it, pay special attention to the character of Delenn.... she's very Belldandy-ish in some respects.


"Because what is built, endures. And what is loved, endures. And Babylon 5... Babylon 5, endures." - Delenn, Babylon 5
Harsh as a treky I am compelled to defend DS9 it was the last great Trek show. Even if it was a Rip on B5 a(great show too, don't ask me to pick the better) Ds9 evolved into it own entity and grew with a dynamic cast that in the end was very different from the one of B5.

If you have the time to see them I would say take it or less you deprive yourself of a great experience.

to Larry: I have to agree a lot of Tng became repetitive and personally do not care for Enterprise or Voyager in the slightest
i used to be really into Star trek the next Generation during school, so i too would like to defend it. it may be repetitive but it doesnt spoil your enjoyment of it and that is what counts at the end. i dont really watch much star trek nowadays.
Yeah, but I like to be surprised once in a while.... they were so worried about maintaining the Star Trek franchise that there was no development. Even after Picard became a Borg, he cried for one episode, and he was back to the same old picard he had been in the first episode. None of the characters really changed or developed, and I can tell you Riker would have been booted out of the modern military (you don't stay at the same officer rank that long without either being promoted or shown the door).

That's why Babylon 5 was so great. It had a mythic feel to it, and the episodes were always new and exciting. Characters died, moved on, got promotions, were religious, quit their jobs, became alcoholics, had different lifestyle choices... the DS9 cast was far too static... not enough character development...

The best example of this is G'Kar. During the first episode, he seemed like the "evil lizard alien" who was gonna be the bad guy. By the time the last season aired, G'Kar was probably one of the wisest and kindest of all the characters, while still being a "lizard alien." It was a beautifully done show, that made me laugh at times, cry a times, and more often than not had me on the edge of my seat. Give it a try... if you don't get hooked, I'll eat my hat!

i hope your hat tastes good! ^^' i've practically given up watching any new non-anime series!
actually i just wanna point out Riker stayed at his position throughout the series because he turned down all offers of promotion to stay on the Enterprise. he wanted to be captain of the ship one day.
Well, you have to give it a try first....

You missed my point about Riker... In the modern military, if you turn down that many promotions, they don't just let you stay in that same job. They either give you a desk job or put you back into civilian life, and I seriously doubt starfleet is really that different. Besides, it just proves what an idiot Riker is. Nobody gets the flagship of the fleet as their first command, just like nobody is given command of an aircraft carrier or nuclear submarine on their first command in today's navy. By staying where he is so long, Riker has made it certain that he'll never be captain of the Enterprise...

what sort of hat anyway?

I enjoyed the first two seasons of Babylon 5, but then it didn't come on anymore... we don't have that many channels really, but i caught some later episodes at a friends house (he's a diehard fan, got them on vhs from a friend in Ottawa) and it seemed to me the story fell apart a bit. Maybe it's just where i missed so much, or being away for so long, but the character development seemed to cost the show it's story. But some of the battle scenes were really spectacular.

Not hooked... but don't eat your hat.... maybe only a little nibble or two
Well, it was a safe bet anyway, since I'm not wearing a hat (hehehe... it was all a hat trick).... but I digress...

Babylon 5 was never a show you could catch once in a while. It was a novel for TV... sure, there were occasional side stories that weren't directly a part of the main story line, but EVERYTHING was connected in one way or another. There was stuff that was shown in the first season that you didn't understand until season 5! The story did go downhill a bit in season 5, but that's because it wasn't for sure that there would be a season 5, so the main story was wrapped up early.

It would be like reading the first two volumes of the Ah! My Goddess Manga, and then only reading volumes 7, 13, and 20. You'd be lost in a lot of ways....

going back to Starfleet and Riker. you cant really compare Starfleet with the modern militaries of today. Firstly Starfleet is not a military organisation and secondly Star Trek is set so far in the future the current ways of thinking probably do not apply anymore.

LOL this is another example of a thread going completely off course from the original topic! LOL