Um, whenever someone starts thinking a piece of popular entertainment should become a religion, maybe it is time to take a step back. Let us not forget that AMG is a work of fiction. It isn't like it is going to be shown at the UN and suddenly everyone get along. There is a fine line between "fan" and "fanatic." For your own sake, try to stay on the right side of that line.
As for all the dissing of Republicans, this really isn't the place for it. You're using stereotypes, which is always a bad thing. I am a democrat, but I have many friends who are republicans, and aren't anything like what you guys are throwing out there about them. The problem is with the two party system we have in this country. You end up with people on the extreme right and the extreme left. This country really needs a strong moderate party in the middle, since that is what the majority of people really are. Judging an entire group of people by the actions of their most extreme members is what bigotry is all about.