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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 12:35
Belldandy Gift

Ah! My Goddess inspires peace!

Topics Ah! My Goddess Ah! My Goddess inspires peace!
Um, whenever someone starts thinking a piece of popular entertainment should become a religion, maybe it is time to take a step back. Let us not forget that AMG is a work of fiction. It isn't like it is going to be shown at the UN and suddenly everyone get along. There is a fine line between "fan" and "fanatic." For your own sake, try to stay on the right side of that line.

As for all the dissing of Republicans, this really isn't the place for it. You're using stereotypes, which is always a bad thing. I am a democrat, but I have many friends who are republicans, and aren't anything like what you guys are throwing out there about them. The problem is with the two party system we have in this country. You end up with people on the extreme right and the extreme left. This country really needs a strong moderate party in the middle, since that is what the majority of people really are. Judging an entire group of people by the actions of their most extreme members is what bigotry is all about.

Interesting definition of bigotry, I'll remember that. I'll stop arguing politics then.
Ha Im a A!MG like the rest of you, but like -K1(Belldandy's #1 Fan) and K1 (Larry) said...religion based off of a manga/anime. Now your asking to be called a cult.

Tails, im not trying to offend you, but when you talk about people and how much they hate others and are unaccepting of others...followed by a statement of you saying I hate them your point kind of gets lost...
i agree, politics and stuff like that should really be avoided on a site like BAF.
on the point of religion, i dont really think it matters whatever form of religion one person takes (whether it be traditional or based on entertainment ^^') as long as that person is a good hearted person then it ok with me.
This makes me remember some guys that say that the Force in Star Wars should be made into a religion, now that would really be a cult! LOL ^^'
Hahaha! You gusy are a riot ^-^ i never said it should be made into a religeon ^-^ I was merly amused by the idea ^-^ I suppose i should have made that more clearer my apologies
Oh by the way K1, there is a religeon for star wars out there ^-^ not based on the books/movie but more on the foundation and good meaning ^-^ and no, it is not a cult.
wow! Star Wars fans really are something, i just hope they keep their feet on the ground and not have their heads up in the clouds, or even in a Galaxy Far Far Away...! LOL ^^'
About that republican thing. Sorry if I offended anyone. I must admit though that not all republicans are bad.

It's just some site is full of them and they seem to be jerks and they call anyone who disagrees with them idiots.

I have a few friends who are republicans but aren't jerks. I am not a stereotype so no worries there.

I think my Mum reading that site is wrecking my trust in people. I should just stop listening to what she reads of it to me. ANYONE is capable of being jerk and I know that very well. I'm afraid that it might make me a jerk towards all republicans. I'm afraid of being that way....:(

I want to be open minded. My Mum already went to far down that road to turn back as well as my Dad and Brother and I don't want to be down there with them. You guys made me see the errors of my ways. Thank you.

Maybe I should just say as long as hate exists, the world would be at peace.

Again I'm very sorry and I hope people don't feel any less respect for me.

I think making AMG a religion is a bad idea too. Sure I love the show but I'm a Christian.
The Force (in Star Wars) is heavily influenced by eastern philosophy. I don't really see how it could be considered a religion, but there are people who will follow anything. Give'em their own lingo, a dinstictive form of dress, and make them feel elite, and followers will flock to you...

As for the who closed/open mind thing, I think Harry Anderson said it best on "Night Court," "Look, I like to keep an open mind, but not so much that my brain falls out."

That's alright Tails, i don't respect you any less because of your post. I quite admire your openess and honesty ^^. Keep posting!
Thank you.:)

Well I know the Bible says that you should love your enemies. I think they might say that in all the teachings in different religions. Belldandy is great at it. I never though it was possible to love your enemies.:heh:

I don't know one person capable of it.
Well the bible was badly translated ^-^' perhaps it means that yu should try to udnerstand you enemys and why the fight against you (in war and in argument). It is up to you to find a solution, and up to the other to accept ^-^ Human compassion.
unless someone takes the first step to end the vicious cycle of violence and revenge then warfare and suffering will continue to show its ugly face upon this world. Human nature has a long way to go before true peace can be achieved, but it is up to the few of us good people to do what we can and lead the way! sometimes it only takes the small to make a big difference!