Well, in the first place I should be ashamed to have abandoned this lovely place, but I recently stumbled across it once again. (in search of newest A!MG manga releases, yes, I deserve slaps in teh face)
For the record-o, I am and always will be a huge A!MG fan. As strange as it may sound, this anime has had a positive effect on my entire life and for that I am grateful. As season 2 ended I had somewhat dropped this wonderful series along with the manga. However, being informed by a friend (also a global-sized A!MG fan) that a third season was on its way, it made me realize how much I've missed all of it. Within seconds I found myself downloading OST's, manga, and the newest episodes. (I do possess originals, don't shoot me)
Even as I write this I'm listening to songs from the OST's, which leaves me with a wonderful feeling, and memories I've never seemed to forget. I must admit, tears have extruded from my eyes multiple times upon hearing songs and watching the show, or movies of it. I am not one bit ashamed of those events.
Call it a comeback, call it my A!MG-experience, I just wanted to let everyone know what A!MG has meant to me, and what it still means to me. I am aware that this is all extremely corny, but I do not mind one bit. Hope you can forgive my overboard-dedication to A!MG and this forum, along with my absence. Even though no one has really known me, I feel somewhat guilty for having abandoned this place with no apparent reason. Weird huh.
With my soon-to-be busy daily routine, I will do my best to maintain my presence on this forum and share the news of the day, whether it be about my most favored series or not.
It's not much of an introduction so I'll still remain remotely vague as an individual, but I'll be sure to post something about me later somewhere. If I don't forget, that is... I hope we can get along, and again, I'll do what I can to keep up with what's going on here daily, and I'll be sure to re-do my profile, avatar and signature and such. :)