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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 03:45
Belldandy Gift


Topics Art & Design tattoo's
i put this post here because i feel they are a art form so i hope i dont make anyone mad at me for it . but i got to say WOOOT! (grins from ear to ear) im getting my first AMG tattoo done or started on in 2 days im getting one with bell and kei portraits kissing in the clouds on my shoulder blade. hard to explain how it will look just have to see it =D and the way its going to be done is going to take 36 hours total to do it in 3 settings outline in the first one then the coloring in the next 2 when it is all done and healed up i'll get a pic taken of it and post it on here for you guys to see ^^ and yes its being done by a pro so it will look like them to a tee.