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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:43
Belldandy Gift

least favorite characters of Ah! My Goddess

Topics Ah! My Goddess least favorite characters of Ah! My Goddess
 Poll: least favorite character of Ah! My Goddess?
78 vote(s)
I don't know if this has been asked before (if so I'm sorry) But I wanted to know everyone's least favorite character. Put you least favorite character and why? And no rude comments please (its not very nice lol), everyone has their own opinion. (gawd I'm bored) You can also take a poll, which I hope I leave no one out. As for me well mine be Keiichi, I'm sorry he is just to wimpy XD...
hmm properly....not sure like them all but it would properly be the one I think of less which celestine.
I would have to say Celestine also was my most disliked character.....
While K1 is whimpy at times, he has shown a backbone from time to time.
My least favorite would either have to be Mara or Peorth. Mara I dislike because she is so weak and vulnerable to everyother object makes a complete joke of demons and doesnt quite show what a REAL first class demon can do, but then agian because of her suckiness, causes Hild to look like a badass. My biggest beef about Peorth is her consistant lack of clothes, Im a straight man and I think that the whole "Hey, theres a mostly naked goddess hanging around my house" would get old after the first couple of hours and maybe it may continue to be interesting until sometime around 11:00 am the next day. Inaddition people might think that theres a stripper living with you if Peorth just walks around in her undies and the brown thing, which by the way, I would like to know what it is and if its physically possible for it to stand like that all the time without constant adjustments. So in conclusion, Mara needs earplugs and an epipen(for lucky charm allergy) and Peorth needs to put on some friggin clothes.
mmmmm i have to say Troubadour ... hate that guy for not obvious reasons! if K1 is accused of being not really a man i think he's more than a man than most cos he doesn't run away like this 'man' did and worse TWICE plus he used his gf and lover to get to his so called dream - he made her cry so he could have a tear of a goddess in love!! yeah right if that's not enough to make him odious and hate material then who is!! :bash:
K1 isn't Wimpy, so much as he's shy, and a nice guy so he's not too assertive, but when bell is in any danger he's shown he has courage, when it comes to confessing his love, he has a few issues, partly due to his concerns about the contract, but also due to the fact that he's not a very emotional person, and has a hard time with expressing his feelings, but also due to the fac tthat he's been interrupted so many times that it is definetly something he thinks about.

Perosnally I say Skuld is the most annoying character because she's one of the biggest sources of interruptions to K1's plans
I say Hild, simply because I think the character is far too caught up in the issues of this small "family." She's more of an annoyance that skuld. Also I don't feel there is enough character development to put her this much into the storyline and continue with the character, just annoying all around.
It's not in the list though...but I'd say it's Aoshima the money-kid. His personality is far more worse than any other character in the Anime...in my opinion worse than the devils. Such as Hild or Mara, both of them are cunning when it comes to their contracts, but show an affectionate side when it does come to personal means. Mara tends to get mean when it comes to her job as a devil but when we take a look at her more personal world, she's far more relaxed...(season two - episode 15). Hild is no doubt the most devious since she's the demon leader...but from what we saw in season two - episode 16 she does show affection to her daughter even though she cannot compensate with her daughter's pride in being a Goddess. Amidst all that, Hild tends to respect her daughter's will though. Heck, she's the demon leader...she can pummel the Goddesses mercilessly like rag-dolls...but she wouldn't because of her affectionate side.

Aoshima is more of a self-embraced character...surrounding himself in the materials that he has, and only wants to achieve more. That's selfishness. Even when it comes to his "personal contemplations" he still shows that he really is a selfish character. If Aoshima were the demon leader, it would be chaotic. :))
QuoteOriginally posted by kamoteboy181 (view)
It's not in the list though...but I'd say it's Aoshima the money-kid. His personality is far more worse than any other character in the Anime...in my opinion worse than the devils. Such as Hild or Mara, both of them are cunning when it comes to their contracts, but show an affectionate side when it does come to personal means. Mara tends to get mean when it comes to her job as a devil but when we take a look at her more personal world, she's far more relaxed...(season two - episode 15). Hild is no doubt the most devious since she's the demon leader...but from what we saw in season two - episode 16 she does show affection to her daughter even though she cannot compensate with her daughter's pride in being a Goddess. Amidst all that, Hild tends to respect her daughter's will though. Heck, she's the demon leader...she can pummel the Goddesses mercilessly like rag-dolls...but she wouldn't because of her affectionate side.

Aoshima is more of a self-embraced character...surrounding himself in the materials that he has, and only wants to achieve more. That's selfishness. Even when it comes to his "personal contemplations" he still shows that he really is a selfish character. If Aoshima were the demon leader, it would be chaotic. :))

Hatred of Aoshima is a given, you don't even need to ask
QuoteOriginally posted by Phoenix (view)
I say Hild, simply because I think the character is far too caught up in the issues of this small "family." She's more of an annoyance that skuld. Also I don't feel there is enough character development to put her this much into the storyline and continue with the character, just annoying all around.

I actually like Hild. She's purposely annoying and destructive towards the Goddesses (Especially Belldandy), seemingly in a self interested way.. Meaning Hild is enjoying toying with her daughter & step-daughter's (even Mara is just a toy to Hild) lives. Skuld is the selfishly over possessive little sister that wants Bell all to herself, while Hild prefers to just torment them all. Hild is the type of character that would seal up Bell, Urd, Skuld, K1, Mara, and anyone/everyone else for all eternity and literally forget about them if it served her purposes... hmm... come to think of it... she has tried exactly that already hasn't she.... (Teapot episode).
I'd have to say the only character in the series I can't stand is Skuld. I could complain quite a bit about her selfish and conceited attitude but then all the Skuld fans would be after me.
QuoteOriginally posted by Dark_Urd (view)
I'd have to say the only character in the series I can't stand is Skuld. I could complain quite a bit about her selfish and conceited attitude but then all the Skuld fans would be after me.

I will admit that Skuld was the original super pest of the series... and sometimes I really would love to see Bell just turn around and tell Skuld to stop interfering and leave K1 and her alone. But yeh right.. like that will ever happen.....
QuoteOriginally posted by abhdragon (view)
QuoteOriginally posted by Dark_Urd (view)
I'd have to say the only character in the series I can't stand is Skuld. I could complain quite a bit about her selfish and conceited attitude but then all the Skuld fans would be after me.

I will admit that Skuld was the original super pest of the series... and sometimes I really would love to see Bell just turn around and tell Skuld to stop interfering and leave K1 and her alone. But yeh right.. like that will ever happen.....

Belldandy is too Naive to do that, she doesn't really notice what K1 is doing, and by extension doesn't really notice that Skuld is trying to stop K1
I don't actually think Hild is quite as ruthless as has been suggested. I think she's willing to let Urd get hurt by her actions, but has limits to how much pain she's willing to cause her daughter (I question whether she intended to leave Urd sealed for all eternity, for instance). Overall, I really kind of like her character. I find her interesting. For instance, I think in Episode 17 her affection towards Urd was genuine, but her affection towards Belldandy and Skuld was likely false. Her embrace of Urd may have been at least partly giddiness at seeing her daughter again for the first time in a long time, but I think her excessive friendliness towards other characters wasn't simply being caught up in the moment -she knew how people were taking things. She wanted them off balance.

I also think that Keiichi is a pretty good character too... he's actually one of the strong points of AMG in my view. Sure, he's rather shy, but on the other hand, he's also been shown to be brave, determined, and kind, and he also seems to have brains and a talent for racing as well. So judge him as an ordinary person and not some sort of super strong heroic type, and see what you think... do you still think he's nothing but a pathetic loser?
Remember K1 has even while under the control of some other being been able to do things that show how much he loves Belldandy, in the Anime for example, when Lind was about to kill Bell K1 dove on top of her to shield her, even though he was being controlled by the LoT