To me it's not really all that "wow" for her to be willing to give up her powers. I know it might sound like an odd comparison, but to me it's sort of like how a rich person, or someone of nobility, would choose to marry someone poor/common and knowing that doing so will strip her of money and title. To that person, the title and the money are a part of her, just like the goddess powers are a part of Belldandy. Granted, those are a bit more important and make up who she is more then wealth or anything; but it's more a case of what you're used to, versus what you can live with.
I don't think they will ever part. I know both would feel it their duty to part if they thought it necesarry for some reason or other. But I also know that it would break both there spirits. No matter how strong you are mentally or physically, losing a soul mate leaves you shattered and broken, with no one capable of putting the pieces back together.