You're right, because she's a bit oblivious and also content with things as they are, with the Murder-kun she didn't realize what Skuld's intentions towards K1 were, and so didn't say anything when Skuld started to chase him with the chainsaw, and with the chocolate's she only did it because of Megumi's instructions, and the time with K1 after the data was destroyed was due to K1's request, but she's never done it on her own, which leads me to confirm that she just isn't aware of most things, and what she is aware of she's content with where they are
You know I did forget one other incident.... when Bell was under Urd's love pill effects. Bell focused all her aggressive attention on K1. If I remember correctly, the spell lowered her inhibitions and allowed Bell to be a far more aggressive and suggestive with the object of her desire (K1) than she normally was. The skimpy Lingerie store she took him to, the pocky incident, the dirt in her eyes... etc.. That seemed to be more of thoughts that Bell already had/felt for K1 but had never surfaced because she was not normally that aggressive.
Maybe the pill brought her out of character, now to surface her real character. Because I think Bell couldnt have held such thoughts within her, she may want to be close to Keiichi, but the pill greatly amplifies those thoughts..
Originally posted by Klenz(view) Maybe the pill brought her out of character, now to surface her real character. Because I think Bell couldnt have held such thoughts within her, she may want to be close to Keiichi, but the pill greatly amplifies those thoughts..
I thought it just lowered her inhibitions... Much like alcohol does to irl people. The thoughts/feelings were there.. just that Bell was always too classy of mind to act so rashly/brazenly.
We don't know, because Urd's pills are very powerful, and tainted one's have wierd effect, like Making Megumi fall for K1, now unless you're saying that Megumi has hidden incestual feelings for K1, I have to be suspicious, or the time Peorth fell for the raccoon statue thanks to urd, now unless Peorth has a fetish for sttues I have to be suspicious.
Also lets not forget Bell's reaction when K1 said he likes her better the way she normally is, she was overjoyed, that proves that she didn't like the way she was acting while under the effects of the potion.
Also when you take into account everything else in the series, from her obliviousness to almost anything sexual, to the fact that she isn't ready to fulfill all his desires, we have to accept that it most likely was not her true feelings, because she's never shown any of those desires outside of the potion.
01-Apr-2007 01-Apr-2007
Originally posted by Avinash_Tyagi(view) We don't know, because Urd's pills are very powerful, and tainted one's have wierd effect, like Making Megumi fall for K1, now unless you're saying that Megumi has hidden incestual feelings for K1, I have to be suspicious, or the time Peorth fell for the raccoon statue thanks to urd, now unless Peorth has a fetish for sttues I have to be suspicious.
Also lets not forget Bell's reaction when K1 said he likes her better the way she normally is, she was overjoyed, that proves that she didn't like the way she was acting while under the effects of the potion.
Also when you take into account everything else in the series, from her obliviousness to almost anything sexual, to the fact that she isn't ready to fulfill all his desires, we have to accept that it most likely was not her true feelings, because she's never shown any of those desires outside of the potion.
Well in regards to Megumi falling in love with K1 things were quite a bit different. First off K1 was the one under the effects of Urd's pill and that pill had been altered by Peroth. It did what Peroth wanted it to but with a twist. Anyone K1 looked at lost all their inhibitions and threw themselves at him. Megumi always has and still does love K1 but only as a siblings would and not in a romantic sense. Peroth, Urd, and even Skuld all like K1 and the spell amplified those feelings beyond reason when K1 looked at them. But also remember that when K1 looked at Bell, Bell wasn't effected at all. Urd explained this by saying that even with Peroth's alterations, Urd's poitions/pills/spells are not so crude as to effect two people already (romantically) in love with each other. Now Bell's reaction to K1's vocation about him preferring the normal natural Belldandy vs Vamp Belldandy was to be expected... Who doesn't want to be loved for just being themselves? Bell is no different from anyone in that respect. When people 's inhibitions are lowered people tend to act on thoughts and feelings instead their normal resistance to doing such things. When Bell's inhibitions are lowered, she tends to just go with her feelings and act on them. Like the first time she got drunk off cola. Bell just acted on the feelings she felt and did what ever (actually Blessed everything), but even then she had the where-with-all to deny giving that one guy's wish because it would hurt K1's feelings as well as her own. I get the feeling that despite everything somewhere deep down Bell always retains her feelings for K1 even through foreign influences (spells/etc). Also I don't think that Bell is all that oblivious to all things sexual. She sure knew what sexy lingre was, and she gets jealous when other girls seem to become seriously interested in K1. I think when it comes to those types of things Bell puts her 'blinders on' and chooses not to notice, much like she did in Ninja Master when she said that she decided that despite what ever she saw/heard she would believe K1 no matter what he told her.
Originally posted by Avinash_Tyagi(view) We don't know, because Urd's pills are very powerful, and tainted one's have wierd effect, like Making Megumi fall for K1, now unless you're saying that Megumi has hidden incestual feelings for K1, I have to be suspicious, or the time Peorth fell for the raccoon statue thanks to urd, now unless Peorth has a fetish for sttues I have to be suspicious.
Also lets not forget Bell's reaction when K1 said he likes her better the way she normally is, she was overjoyed, that proves that she didn't like the way she was acting while under the effects of the potion.
Also when you take into account everything else in the series, from her obliviousness to almost anything sexual, to the fact that she isn't ready to fulfill all his desires, we have to accept that it most likely was not her true feelings, because she's never shown any of those desires outside of the potion.
Well in regards to Megumi falling in love with K1 things were quite a bit different. First off K1 was the one under the effects of Urd's pill and that pill had been altered by Peroth. It did what Peroth wanted it to but with a twist. Anyone K1 looked at lost all their inhibitions and threw themselves at him. Megumi always has and still does love K1 but only as a siblings would and not in a romantic sense. Peroth, Urd, and even Skuld all like K1 and the spell amplified those feelings beyond reason when K1 looked at them. But also remember that when K1 looked at Bell, Bell wasn't effected at all. Urd explained this by saying that even with Peroth's alterations, Urd's poitions/pills/spells are not so crude as to effect two people already (romantically) in love with each other. Now Bell's reaction to K1's vocation about him preferring the normal natural Belldandy vs Vamp Belldandy was to be expected... Who doesn't want to be loved for just being themselves? Bell is no different from anyone in that respect. When people 's inhibitions are lowered people tend to act on thoughts and feelings instead their normal resistance to doing such things. When Bell's inhibitions are lowered, she tends to just go with her feelings and act on them. Like the first time she got drunk off cola. Bell just acted on the feelings she felt and did what ever (actually Blessed everything), but even then she had the where-with-all to deny giving that one guy's wish because it would hurt K1's feelings as well as her own. I get the feeling that despite everything somewhere deep down Bell always retains her feelings for K1 even through foreign influences (spells/etc). Also I don't think that Bell is all that oblivious to all things sexual. She sure knew what sexy lingre was, and she gets jealous when other girls seem to become seriously interested in K1. I think when it comes to those types of things Bell puts her 'blinders on' and chooses not to notice, much like she did in Ninja Master when she said that she decided that despite what ever she saw/heard she would believe K1 no matter what he told her.
Here's the thing though, it wasn't her inhibitions being lowered, the fact that she's hasn't acted on any of those feelings in other situations, or even thought about them, makes me question whether they were hers to begin with, she hasn't tried to dress up porvocatively for K1, or try and eat the pocky he's eating, she hasn't even thought about it, if it was really her own feelings we'd get some hint that she was thinking about it at the very least, but instead we get all signs that she's oblivious to those things, the fact that we've seen potions make characters do things that they would not do normally leads me to believe that it wasn't her but the pill.
Yes she's always in love with K1, but the pill was designed to make her go after K1 in a sexual manner, the fact was Skuld's actions only amplified the pill's effects, but it was the pill more than likely, not her who was in control of the actions.
No she only knew what the Lingirie was while she was under the spells effect, otherwise we've never seen her show any hint of thinking about such clothing, if they were really her knowledge then why have we seen no indication of it?
You're right she knows a little, but not that much, she knows about sex, but its the same level of a child who has taken a sex ed class, she knows the basics, but she is naive on the details, otherwise she wouldn't have been lost when the guy said that K1 must not get any sleep when she's around, or that parent's would cry if they are living together, or any other sexual innuendo, or situation, and the thing about knowledge of sex is its in the details, if you don't know the details you really don't know nothing and are still naive.
Also its not about blinders, you see in that situation in the Ninja master it was about staying with K1, and her desire to stay with him no matter what, but putting on Blinders towards sex would only put K1 off, it would be like her actively stopping him, she loves him too much to reject him like that, because she doesn't want to hurt him, so even though she's not ready for sex, she's also not actively trying to stop him either, she's just happy that he's aware that she's not ready and isn't forcing her, because he's not that type of person, one of the reasons she loves him no doubt.
Even with K1, as shy and nervous as he is, we get hints that he's thinking of sex and trying to move the relationship forward, although slowly as he doesn't want to force her, but with Bell we get no hint of those desires, or even any indication that she's aware of K1's attempts.
03-Apr-2007 03-Apr-2007
No doubt about it - He DOES think of sex with Belldandy ... otherwise he wouldn't be normal! As for her not being ready i guess that's it but pills or no pills or potions or whatever the little intimacy they have she likes it for sure!! how i see it is she holds back cos first a goddess 1st class needs to be always in control, secondly she's focusing her love mostly on 1 person when before she was distributing to everyone's needs and thirdly this is her 1st real love that we know of. Plus can you find anyone that's an PHd expert in love matters the 1st time he's in love? ... don't think so eh cos everybodies clumsy sort of! Basically she knows the theory but she's not 'practical' and if there was an affair with Celestine nobody really knows for sure eve if you had to give her memories back!!!! She gives a lot of advice on love to Skuld for example with Sentaro-Kun but it's Urd that sort of had a steady boyfriend of the 3 and it's Troubadour!!
Holding back makes her be sure she doesn't make 'mistakes' or hurt K1 but if he doesn't show what he wants she won't even think to do it cos most probably bell would guess it's wrong. one instance when she took control and she was herself was at the beach with the Lorelei Arc - she wanted to teach k1 to swim but also to get close ... and K1 went gaga, he's no expert either hehe!!
03-Apr-2007 03-Apr-2007
Originally posted by chloe(view) No doubt about it - He DOES think of sex with Belldandy ... otherwise he wouldn't be normal! As for her not being ready i guess that's it but pills or no pills or potions or whatever the little intimacy they have she likes it for sure!! how i see it is she holds back cos first a goddess 1st class needs to be always in control, secondly she's focusing her love mostly on 1 person when before she was distributing to everyone's needs and thirdly this is her 1st real love that we know of. Plus can you find anyone that's an PHd expert in love matters the 1st time he's in love? ... don't think so eh cos everybodies clumsy sort of! Basically she knows the theory but she's not 'practical' and if there was an affair with Celestine nobody really knows for sure eve if you had to give her memories back!!!! She gives a lot of advice on love to Skuld for example with Sentaro-Kun but it's Urd that sort of had a steady boyfriend of the 3 and it's Troubadour!!
Holding back makes her be sure she doesn't make 'mistakes' or hurt K1 but if he doesn't show what he wants she won't even think to do it cos most probably bell would guess it's wrong. one instance when she took control and she was herself was at the beach with the Lorelei Arc - she wanted to teach k1 to swim but also to get close ... and K1 went gaga, he's no expert either hehe!!
No there was no affair with Celestine, because only the moment that he blew up the gate was the only moment that was sealed from her memory, not to mention that she said in the manga that before K1 she never had anything to dedicate herself to, she was never in love with Celestine that way, she viewed him as her teacher/surrogate father.
As for Bell, no she didn't take control she just tried to help him learn how to swim, but she wasn't thinking about sex, he was thinking sexual thoughts, but she wasn't, that's the thing, she might know the basics, but when it comes to sex she's very naive, and doesn't realize when things could have a sexual connotation, nor is she holding back out of any desire not to hurt him, no, because he's ready as proved when they were at the love motel or at the beginning of Ms. keiichi, as she said she's not ready, he's given every indication that he's waiting for her ok signal, lke at the love motel he was waiting to see if she was ready, so its not because of him that she's waiting, but because of herself.
She likes the intimacy yes, but she does nothing to initiate it under normal circumstance, nor is she aware when he tries to intitiate it, in fact when they become interrupted she's totally oblivious. In fact the evidence seems to show that its the emotional intimacy, not the physical intimacy that she seeks.
Its different to give advice on love, love is different from Sex, sex can be a display of love, but love is much more than just the act of sex, she knows about love, because of her love for K1, she just isn't that aware, or ready when it comes to the act of sex, or really anything sexual in nature.
Originally posted by chloe(view) No doubt about it - He DOES think of sex with Belldandy ... otherwise he wouldn't be normal! As for her not being ready i guess that's it but pills or no pills or potions or whatever the little intimacy they have she likes it for sure!! how i see it is she holds back cos first a goddess 1st class needs to be always in control, secondly she's focusing her love mostly on 1 person when before she was distributing to everyone's needs and thirdly this is her 1st real love that we know of. Plus can you find anyone that's an PHd expert in love matters the 1st time he's in love? ... don't think so eh cos everybodies clumsy sort of! Basically she knows the theory but she's not 'practical' and if there was an affair with Celestine nobody really knows for sure eve if you had to give her memories back!!!! She gives a lot of advice on love to Skuld for example with Sentaro-Kun but it's Urd that sort of had a steady boyfriend of the 3 and it's Troubadour!!
Holding back makes her be sure she doesn't make 'mistakes' or hurt K1 but if he doesn't show what he wants she won't even think to do it cos most probably bell would guess it's wrong. one instance when she took control and she was herself was at the beach with the Lorelei Arc - she wanted to teach k1 to swim but also to get close ... and K1 went gaga, he's no expert either hehe!!
No there was no affair with Celestine, because only the moment that he blew up the gate was the only moment that was sealed from her memory, not to mention that she said in the manga that before K1 she never had anything to dedicate herself to, she was never in love with Celestine that way, she viewed him as her teacher/surrogate father.
As for Bell, no she didn't take control she just tried to help him learn how to swim, but she wasn't thinking about sex, he was thinking sexual thoughts, but she wasn't, that's the thing, she might know the basics, but when it comes to sex she's very naive, and doesn't realize when things could have a sexual connotation, nor is she holding back out of any desire not to hurt him, no, because he's ready as proved when they were at the love motel or at the beginning of Ms. keiichi, as she said she's not ready, he's given every indication that he's waiting for her ok signal, lke at the love motel he was waiting to see if she was ready, so its not because of him that she's waiting, but because of herself.
She likes the intimacy yes, but she does nothing to initiate it under normal circumstance, nor is she aware when he tries to intitiate it, in fact when they become interrupted she's totally oblivious. In fact the evidence seems to show that its the emotional intimacy, not the physical intimacy that she seeks.
Its different to give advice on love, love is different from Sex, sex can be a display of love, but love is much more than just the act of sex, she knows about love, because of her love for K1, she just isn't that aware, or ready when it comes to the act of sex, or really anything sexual in nature.
Sorry.. Mara must have hijacked my Internet connection for a bit, but I'm back now... Well if you take your observations Avinash as Bell having the sexual education of a child then K1 needs to back off immediately for many moral reasons. But I doubt that is the case, especially since Bell has Urd for a sister. (You know Urd has to have taught Bell something over the years... just as to what would be the mystery) Your probably closer in the observation that Bell currently enjoys the emotional love commitment with K1 as a truly special bond.. Thats beautiful and all... but.. Peroth has tried to tell Bell point blank not to forget that K1 is a man.... K1 to his credit is a most loving and patient man but there is a limit.... namely his life span. If Bell truly only wants to have a emotional relationship with K1 then she should not be as opposed to him having a physical one with someone else. But that too is obviously not the case as Bell gets very jealous and heart broken when K1 ends up in various.... um.... compromising situations with other women. Honestly if Bell has never entertained a single physical thought of K1 in all the time they have been together thus far the they will most likely only be 'Friends' for the entire time they spend together since their relationship will not progress much more than what it is now. If thats the case, then they might as well only focus on the other characters (instead of Bell and K1) in the story and their lives as they will 'move forward' and not stagnate.
Originally posted by chloe(view) No doubt about it - He DOES think of sex with Belldandy ... otherwise he wouldn't be normal! As for her not being ready i guess that's it but pills or no pills or potions or whatever the little intimacy they have she likes it for sure!! how i see it is she holds back cos first a goddess 1st class needs to be always in control, secondly she's focusing her love mostly on 1 person when before she was distributing to everyone's needs and thirdly this is her 1st real love that we know of. Plus can you find anyone that's an PHd expert in love matters the 1st time he's in love? ... don't think so eh cos everybodies clumsy sort of! Basically she knows the theory but she's not 'practical' and if there was an affair with Celestine nobody really knows for sure eve if you had to give her memories back!!!! She gives a lot of advice on love to Skuld for example with Sentaro-Kun but it's Urd that sort of had a steady boyfriend of the 3 and it's Troubadour!!
Holding back makes her be sure she doesn't make 'mistakes' or hurt K1 but if he doesn't show what he wants she won't even think to do it cos most probably bell would guess it's wrong. one instance when she took control and she was herself was at the beach with the Lorelei Arc - she wanted to teach k1 to swim but also to get close ... and K1 went gaga, he's no expert either hehe!!
No there was no affair with Celestine, because only the moment that he blew up the gate was the only moment that was sealed from her memory, not to mention that she said in the manga that before K1 she never had anything to dedicate herself to, she was never in love with Celestine that way, she viewed him as her teacher/surrogate father.
As for Bell, no she didn't take control she just tried to help him learn how to swim, but she wasn't thinking about sex, he was thinking sexual thoughts, but she wasn't, that's the thing, she might know the basics, but when it comes to sex she's very naive, and doesn't realize when things could have a sexual connotation, nor is she holding back out of any desire not to hurt him, no, because he's ready as proved when they were at the love motel or at the beginning of Ms. keiichi, as she said she's not ready, he's given every indication that he's waiting for her ok signal, lke at the love motel he was waiting to see if she was ready, so its not because of him that she's waiting, but because of herself.
She likes the intimacy yes, but she does nothing to initiate it under normal circumstance, nor is she aware when he tries to intitiate it, in fact when they become interrupted she's totally oblivious. In fact the evidence seems to show that its the emotional intimacy, not the physical intimacy that she seeks.
Its different to give advice on love, love is different from Sex, sex can be a display of love, but love is much more than just the act of sex, she knows about love, because of her love for K1, she just isn't that aware, or ready when it comes to the act of sex, or really anything sexual in nature.
Sorry.. Mara must have hijacked my Internet connection for a bit, but I'm back now... Well if you take your observations Avinash as Bell having the sexual education of a child then K1 needs to back off immediately for many moral reasons. But I doubt that is the case, especially since Bell has Urd for a sister. (You know Urd has to have taught Bell something over the years... just as to what would be the mystery) Your probably closer in the observation that Bell currently enjoys the emotional love commitment with K1 as a truly special bond.. Thats beautiful and all... but.. Peroth has tried to tell Bell point blank not to forget that K1 is a man.... K1 to his credit is a most loving and patient man but there is a limit.... namely his life span. If Bell truly only wants to have a emotional relationship with K1 then she should not be as opposed to him having a physical one with someone else. But that too is obviously not the case as Bell gets very jealous and heart broken when K1 ends up in various.... um.... compromising situations with other women. Honestly if Bell has never entertained a single physical thought of K1 in all the time they have been together thus far the they will most likely only be 'Friends' for the entire time they spend together since their relationship will not progress much more than what it is now. If thats the case, then they might as well only focus on the other characters (instead of Bell and K1) in the story and their lives as they will 'move forward' and not stagnate.
Oh it was a problem with the enitre site for the last few days.
Well that's why K1 doesn't push, because he knows she isn't ready.
Your assuming that Urd has taught her stuff, from what we've seen that's not the case, in fact in one chapter bell has to be told by K1 what a love motel is after Urd changes his room into one, in fact Urd seems almost protective of Bell's innocence in some ways, and doesn't try and push her, instead relying almost solely on K1 to progress the relationship, how many times could she have told Bell that K1 wants this or that, much like Peorth trid to do, but hasn't.
Also no they are more than just friends, they have a truly deep love, which unfortunately for K1 does not extend to the physical, at the moment, in many ways that makes it deeper than most loves, but while Bell did say she isn't ready and also seeks the emotional more than the physical, she did say that she wants to fulfill all his desires at some point in the future because she loves him, she does know he has desires, as Peorth told her he does. She just isn't ready to fulfill them yet.
05-Apr-2007 05-Apr-2007
And in the ovas, Bell said that she will quit to her goddess condition and forget everythng about heaven if she can stay with K1, thats LOVE!
Originally posted by MK1(view) And in the ovas, Bell said that she will quit to her goddess condition and forget everythng about heaven if she can stay with K1, thats LOVE!
Oh yeah, that's totally true, they are much more than friends, they are lovers in every sense of the word, save the sexual, and as Belldandy said, she's not ready yet, but someday when she is ready, she will fulfill K1's desire, because she loves him.
Originally posted by MK1(view) And in the ovas, Bell said that she will quit to her goddess condition and forget everythng about heaven if she can stay with K1, thats LOVE!
Oh yeah, that's totally true, they are much more than friends, they are lovers in every sense of the word, save the sexual, and as Belldandy said, she's not ready yet, but someday when she is ready, she will fulfill K1's desire, because she loves him.
I just re-watched the OVA's and I remember that scene where Bell proclaims that she will give up her Goddess status... very touching. In many ways the Original OVA's held a more romantic feel to them than the TV series (in which Bell makes the discovery that she would rather remain a Goddess). I plan to re-watch the Movie here soon too. But yes I agree in many ways they could be considered 'Lovers' and in the fansubs its kinda ironic that one of the ending Themes ends with 'Lovers'.... Still.. if they have reached their pinacle for their relationship, then I would like to see whats going on with other characters in the story. Like Megumi, Sayoko, Otaki & Satoko, Lind, etc.
Originally posted by MK1(view) And in the ovas, Bell said that she will quit to her goddess condition and forget everythng about heaven if she can stay with K1, thats LOVE!
Oh yeah, that's totally true, they are much more than friends, they are lovers in every sense of the word, save the sexual, and as Belldandy said, she's not ready yet, but someday when she is ready, she will fulfill K1's desire, because she loves him.
I just re-watched the OVA's and I remember that scene where Bell proclaims that she will give up her Goddess status... very touching. In many ways the Original OVA's held a more romantic feel to them than the TV series (in which Bell makes the discovery that she would rather remain a Goddess). I plan to re-watch the Movie here soon too. But yes I agree in many ways they could be considered 'Lovers' and in the fansubs its kinda ironic that one of the ending Themes ends with 'Lovers'.... Still.. if they have reached their pinacle for their relationship, then I would like to see whats going on with other characters in the story. Like Megumi, Sayoko, Otaki & Satoko, Lind, etc.
Well in the TV series and Manga she's never faced with the choice of choosing between her goddess powers and being with K1, if it came down to choosing between remaining a goddess or staying with K1 i'm certain she'd pick K1, but if given the choice she'd rather do both
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