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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:09
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Nitpicky details

Topics Ah! My Goddess Nitpicky details
Larry shoots and scores,

seriously though I want to know the number,
Come on someone else throw a question at Larry

(maybe we should rename the tread to stump Larry)
Some other eccentric that happens to an elf
What number????

the number of earrings that happen to be clip ons and such
Dang it, I missed a post on keichii's bike! since you were researching for a fanfic KeichiiK1, here's my take on the subject.

Identification of Keichii's bmw is made difficult by several factors: the sidecar, which often hides most of the identifying features, the replacement/custom parts which either aren't bmw or are from a different model, and the rarity of this particular bike. I am not going to say much about the sidecar, as they are often custom built and of little use in identification. The "custom" or replacement parts include the fork assembly, the front wheel, the front fairing/headlight, and the seat.... generally the most obvious portions visible on the bike with that sidecar in the way.
The fork MAY be a rebuild of an r68 http://www.bmwmc.dk/images/_models/r68.jpg , or scavanged from another brand bike, but the placement of the axle at the very end, rather than the top side of the end of the fork, is somewhat unusual. The front wheel has an incredibly large drum brake, pre 1973, most likley candidate is the R50 http://www.bmwmc.dk/images/_models/r50.jpg or R69s http://www.bmwmc.dk/images/_models/R69S.jpg . The front fairing is very much racer styled -probably custom, but I did see a Honda fairing/light/windshield that fit the bill perfectly in all but color... sadly i can't find the pic. The round signal lights are also probably non-bmw, unusal because they're round and installed INSIDE the fairing.The seat is also in the style of a racer, such a solo seat is almost certainly custom built http://www.suicidemission.com/slash5.htm .
The fuel tank and engine are a different story.The huge almost rectangular tank, and the unusual design of the boxer engine's cylinders marks this as a 1954 "rennsport" (or racing) http://www.bmwmc.dk/images/Walls_3/BMW-Rennsport-1954%20text.jpg here's a model kit: http://www.seinando.com/kims%20hd&bmw.JPG . The four bolt pattern of the valve cover with a single shaft for the valve cam is, as far as I can tell, unique to that engine. Since the racer was produced in only the one year, and in extremly limited quantity, it is no wonder all us AMG fans have such a hard time identifying it. With such an odd mix of parts, and given the racing nature of the motorcycle, I'd say that Keichii (or possibly his father) bought the bike after an accident without the front end, and rebuilt the bike as a racer, and as keichiik1 said earlier, added the sidecar when he went to university.

the 1954 BMW Rennsport, had a displacement of 494 cc, and developed 48 hp pushing it to speeds of about 130 miles per hour, 210 kph.
wow! are you a motor fan Lionfish? do you know where it is possible to get the Honda Today as featured in the anime You're Under Arrest?
Excellent points, Lionfish. I must admit, I was using the movie as visual reference, since the view of, an detail on, the bike is much better than in the manga. Keiichi has a different bike in the movie, and I did not think to verify.

I think I'm right "Movie wise" and you're right "manga wise". I think we can both agree that in either continuity, Keiichi isn't remotely driving something stock!


ps Coolcole - One earring in each ear. The one in her left ear has two clips on the side of her ear (one at the top and one in the middle).
Urd's eyes are purple....just wanted to point that out. :P
It actually depends on Fujishima-sama's mood when he has the latest cover made. As I pointed out, they were blue in the most recent color cover I have...

Blue and grey, emerald and aquamarine, Urd has the prettiest eyes I've seen.
Well on an anime character anyway...
I've noticed that Urd's eye color often compliments her outfit or environment, and since it changes so often I figure she picks her color like she picks her clothes, although her mood probably has a factor there as well. Also I think Fujishima may enjoy the thought of confusing his more nitpicky fans.

Now back to my bi....ummm KEICHII'S bike, yeah, that's it...
Probably the best image of K1's beemer in the movie was when it crashed into the guardrail on thier way home. As Keichii is approaching the bike we get one good look at the engine. The four bolt valve cover and single topside cam rod are somewhat visible in that shot, marking it as the rather unique 1954 engine. To push my opinion (yeah it's just an opinion you know) a bit further the front brake is always a drum brake. Heavier, less efficient, and harder to find, there are really only two reasons to put a drum brake on his bike: nostalgia, and keeping as close to original as possible for "stock" racing (I suppose you could call that the same reason). The front drum brake wasn't installed on, and therefore eliminates the R90 and R100. It'd be easier, and probably cheaper, to find and install disc brakes. In the movie, oav, manga, promotional material, and the new series, the only changes I have noted have been very minor, mostly in the fork and front fairing. I'm also curious, KeichiiK1, why you chose the bigger engined bikes? was it just the swept back front fairing and headlight? When I started my investigation I was hooked on the R75/5 (I so want one of these old bikes), because of the drum brake in front....

As for your Honda Today Keichii-K1, you can almost certainly buy one if you are in Japan.... at least since you are in the U.K. the steering wheel is on the "right" side, but you may have import and licenceing difficulties, as the safety requirements probably differ a fair bit.
here's some info:
And the prettiest looking pic (though not the best view):http://www.barthe.net/jgallery/big/honda_today.jpg
wow! Lionfish your link to the You're Under Arrest site is excellent! ARIGATOU! you're the best!
its funny with keiichi's income that he was able to afford a beemer
well like KeichiiK1 and i said earlier, it's not just parts from one bike, its a little bit scrapped together. you can find similar old beemers on ebay sometimes for very little... and if he got it from a friend who thashed the front end, he may have gotten it for a song....

anyway enough of the bike.... more trivia...
this is fast becoming a trivia thread! heres a question: is it true there is trick/cheat you can perform on the OVA DVDs episode select screen to access a hidden trailer clip?
Oh My Goddess!: Vol. 1
From the 'Main Menu' go to the Episode Select Menu and press
'Down', 'Right', 'Down', 'Right', 'Up' and 'Enter'. This will show you some pics.

Oh My Goddess: Vol. 2
From the 'Main Menu' go to the Episodes Select Menu. Highlight Episode 5 and press 'Down', 'Right', and 'Enter'. You'll see a series of images promoting a CD by Goddess Family Club.

a search revelled these but I don't know if they work
This is a reference to "Easter Eggs". Please keep in mind these answers only apply to the region 1 DVDs. These DO work on the AnimEigo DVDs. These should be all of the Ah! My Goddess Easter Eggs...

On Disc one of the OVA:In the Extras menu, choose any of the selections that ask you to pick a chapter (Dub-Your-Own, Silent or the commentary features). Highlighting chapter one, press on the remote: down, right, down, right, up, enter. I can't read kanji but it appears to be an advert of some sort and includes a bit about the limited movie DVD release. It's mostly text but there are a few still images.

In the settings for the audio and subtitles, highlight 'english audio/english subtitles' then press left, right, right, down, enter. You will get another ad for some Oh! My Goddess merchandise.

On Disc 2 of the OVA:Go to the "Episodes" section, hilight the second episode title, the move down, then right and press enter. This should show you some kanji and a few still images, like the first volume did.

As far as I know, the movie does not have any easter eggs