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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:07
Belldandy Gift

Nitpicky details

Topics Ah! My Goddess Nitpicky details
Ever wondered how many piercings Belldandy has? Or what Urd's eye color *really* is, violet or green? Or what exactly is Rind's rank, again? Here is a thread for or all those wonderful, rarely asked but frequently obsessed-over detail questions!

(Seriously... what *is* Urd's real eye color?)
Answers, in order:

piercings: 2 - 1 in her right ear and one in her left ear. The one in her left ear is her seal, and it has two little connectors on chains that connect to the side and top of her ear. (Volume 30, Chapters 196 and 197)

Urd's eye color: Per the most recent color volume cover I have done by Fujishima-sama (volume 27), Blue. This is far from consistant and seems to change with his mood from cover to cover. AMG is published in black and white, so the covers are the only "Canon" source as far as that is concerned.

Rind's Rank: And I quote: "First Class Goddess, Special Duty Limited, Lind, reporting." - Lind (Volume 24, Chapter 155)

Too easy!

well that shut me up.
Oops... sorry... I thought people wanted to know the answers...


lol, sure. Those were just the sample questions, though. Except for the one about Urd's eyes, I really wanted to know that. ^_^ Any more questions, guys?
ok When the gang goes to a local hot spring with Urd, she wants to watch tv untill she finds out what...
That they serve Sak`e in the baths!

Of course, Keiichi has already shot the idea of TV down, since the TV requires you to deposit a 100 Yen coin to watch, and he's being a cheapskate.

This is rapidly becoming an AMG trivia thread!

to be honest i think people are getting too deep in these little details, i mean how long can one possibly talk for about something something detail etc. . It dramatically restricts ones range of comments.
Sorry, i just think that it's more worthwhile to talk about the wider issues that have more impact.

But since everyone is enjoying this so much, i might as well join in a bit. Here's my question: What is the model of Keiichi's BMW motorbike?
It has never been explictly stated, but it appears to be either the BMW R80S or the BMW R100S, most likely the later. Unlike Megumi's Bike, I doubt very much that Keiichi's Bike is totally stock, so it is very difficult to place. Understand I know very little about motorcycles, but I did some research on this for an AMG fanfic I'm writing, so here we go...

Most likely it is the R100S, and has parts from the 1977, 1978, and 1980 models (for example, the windshield is definitely from a post 1979, or a custom replacement - it has that little dip at the top).

The sidecar appears to be much more recent than the rest of the car, which would make since, since Keiichi probably didn't add it until about the time he was going off to college. The closest picture I could find was a 1986 sidecar, but it was for the R100S, so it would probably work (I don't know enough about motorcycles to say for sure). Earlier pictures of sidecars I found appear to angular.

His instrument panel also appears custom. His tachometer and spedometer are two different sizes, and from the pictures I've found, they're the same size on both the R80S and R100S. Probably he has to order a new tach, since he probably has the engine tuned for more RPMs.

If anyone out there is a motorhead, and I'm wrong, please correct me.

What excuse does K give not to go swimming with Belldandy at the beach after Urd has told him that his star will not interfere because it will be behind the moon?

Just reread Volume 30, Chapters 196 and 197 and didn't see Bell's piercings referenced
lol, I guess this could be a trivia thread, if you want, though I put it here for actual questions rather than to test Larry's knowledge. ^_^; But if you're having fun with that, too, go for it! I just noticed that a lot of other threads sometimes get sidetracked with the little detail questions, so here's a whole thread to talk about them!

And, while I'm thinking about it, how many hairstyles does Skuld go through? She seems to have a different one in every manga volume. ^_^;
too many little details! too many little details! i think we talk too much about little details! oh dear! Im sorry if im sounding like a grump, its just that i think people are missing the point.

i mean you wouldnt be thinking this when youre watching the movie:

[Belldandy blocks the Gunyer beam from heaven, parts of her battle outfit is being ripped by the high intensity of the energy, we're not certain if she'll make it!]

"oh look at how many piercings Belldandy has while she's blocking that thingamabob!"
Could be worse K1. There could be cads out theregoing I wonder how much of her outfit is going to be left? ROFL I actually have a friend who would think along those lines.
Emberassing but true.
The Eccentric Elf
K1, don't worry, this is all in good fun. And, after watching it all for the twenty-millionth time, the little things do start to tug at some people's minds. My life certainly doesn't depend on Urd's "real" eye color (real being a relative term, seeing as Urd herself isn't a real person), but it's neat to know. The only time the details count more than that to me is when I'm making a costume... and even then, I've always been a big supporter of "close enough". :bg:
Coolcole... They've almost never directly discussed the earrings besides the once in the Lord of Terror Arc. I used chapters 197 and 198 as visual reference because a) they have good shots of the ear in question without her hair being in the way, and b) they are very recent in Japan, thus less likely to be contradicted due to Fujishima-sama's changing art style.


P.S. Keiichi claims to be a Jellyfish Magnet.