"I can understand that everyone's enthusiasm for the Japanese language stems from the love of anime." not entirely true...
Actually my rediscovered enjoyment of anime is a byproduct of my long term preoccupation with many things Japanese... When I was very young, my dad taught me how to use chopsticks, when I was in gradeschool I learned some Origami as part of an art class, when I was in highschool I fell in love with temple and traditional home archetecture, kimono, and Fuji-san. In university and trade school i discovered lacquer boxes, bento and sushi, and the finer points of the metalwork in a katana. all my life i've been bombarded with tiny specks of japanese culture, sometimes without even realizing it. Now I do watch some anime, but I've also discovered I enjoy japanese tv dramas, and none of it sounds right unless they're speaking japanese. My desire to learn japanese, however, is more deeply rooted than just an anime obsession.