Ah Gabriolis my friend, ever the optimist aren't you?:P If love were such a bitter thing my friend, then there would be nothing good at all in this world to look forward to, to search for, to strive for , in short, to LIVE for. Pain and heartache are indeed, tragic truths to finding love. Still, while it's natural to feel anger and disappointment, it should not discourage us or cause us to discourage others on this path of finding a basic human need. To BE loved. After all, we were all attracted to this site by a "LOVE STORY" by a character commonly referred to as " The Goddess of Love". And the entire story is in itself, although fictional, a strong support to the wonderful qualities of love. Still real life can be harsh and cruel. And I have seen that with my own two eyes more than I wish to remember. But life is not nescessarily always that way. Love moves a person's heart to do things that many would otherwise never think of doing .Love itself is not limited to finding a mate. Otherwise why would friends come to the aid of someone who is in pain, or doubt ? ^_^