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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 01:03
Belldandy Gift

Can PC games really save lives? :)

Topics Misc Can PC games really save lives? :)
Hans Jørgen Olsen and his sister got into a spot of trouble when they encroached on the territory of one of these antlered cold weather staples (otherwise known as a moose). And that’s where his learned WoW techniques came into play. World of Warcraft has taught Hans a few useful things when faced with gigantic crazed mammals. First he taunted the moose, hitting it repeatedly with a stick [skill Taunt :inoc:]. This allowed the little girl, Hans’ sister, to escape. Then, when the crazed moose focused its attention on Hans, he utilized another skill he'd picked up at level 30. He simply feigned death. Oddly, this all worked. The moose kicked at Hans a few times, then lost interest in the inanimate body and wandered off into the woods. When he was safely alone, Hans ran back home to share his tale of video game-inspired survival.

Make fun of video games all you want, but if one can teach you something, that may come in handy when saving your life your (and your sister's) life, then that was a video game worth playing.

So, what do you think of the story? :E
An interesting sotry: I believe that anything in moderation is good, but extremes always force us to conclude the worst. I find this story interesting, and that in actuality, some skills in video games are based off of real world skills. Most interesting:)