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Thu, 20 Mar 2025 23:45
Belldandy Gift

Belldandy's Evil Twin!

Topics Ah! My Goddess Belldandy's Evil Twin!
Seek help. Wanting to form a secret death squad is only for trained professionals. Do not try to for a secret death squad at home.


Sometimes, I'm glad the big pond is between us. bi-dah!
true righteous justice defies all boundaries no matter the distance! i tell you , one day i will rid this world of the evil scum i mentioned earlier and vengeance will be mine! :pissed:
Well there is a thread out there asking What you would wish for if Bell came to you, well here is my wish, For the people just talked about above not to the way they are, for them to be with out their hate and anger.
As much as I would like to pull a “be mine forever” or a Million dollars or Chikedee magnet or to Know all or the list goes on.

Truth be I could not make one of those “more selfish” and still live with my self when the evening news come on.

Post 100 so I hope it was a good one
i too would wish for a "perfect" ideal world free of hate anger etc, but sometimes the heavens do not provide you with such favours and it would be up to us.
There you go, that's a much more AMG-type answer than "form a secret death squad." ^_^; Any time you get mad, just think: What would Belldandy say?
im sorry! i dont know what came over me with that death squad thing! sometimes my darkside gets the better of me, maybe i should seriously consider taping over his mouth or a strait jacket. Problem is he's a big scary guy! LOL :bg:
k now I agree with Larry, Seek :help:

Thou a secret Death Squad could be useful.....

(thinks of the Manga and Anime he could Get) :annoyed:
Keiichi-k1 , too would wish for a "perfect" ideal world free of hate anger etc, but sometimes the heavens do not provide you with such favours and it would be up to us.

You reminded me of Celistine when you said that.But your right.
But it's human nature to hate.But I take pride in trying to make myself better than I am now.I'm always trying to improve myself.But it's hard trying not to be evil^^.
im not trying to be evil, im saying one should make a stand against evil. Problem is alot of people complain about how the world is going to the pits etc but thats all they ever do, they just sit on their bit butts all the time thinking "oh somebody else will take care of it"
Well it goes to show we need balance in this world ^-^ You need to have a reaction in order to have a ewual reaction which will balance ^-^ In other words things need to get worse before they can get better, sadly you must slowly introducer something new for sociaty to accept it, if you throw anime at people they'll be like "Oh my goodness! Thats terrible, ban it!" However if it is slowly introduced and well measured steps are taken to make sure the rightr audiance is watching it, all will be well ^-^
i dont really care if more people like anime or not, sorry. if people want anime they can easily find it themselves, i never had a problem ordering stuff online etc. Exposing anime to a mass audience will commercialise it to the extent that quality will detiorate and outside influences will spoil its uniqueness.

How did we end up with this discussion? i thought this thread is about Belldandy's evil twin? LOL :bg:
Okay here is the “theory”

Balldandy is her own evil twin, and as punishment for all the Evil things she has done Kami-sama decides to punish her for her “evil” ways, butt how?
Make her grant the wishes of the most noble of the puny mortals! Plus throw an enchantment on her so she will do so in a cheery fashion. AH what a horrid fate forced to spread happiness and cheer for all eternity while suffering inside!
SO one day she meets this mortal named Keiichi…
Nearly scares the poor boy to death cming out his Mirror
And even gets him to feel self conscious of his height and inability to get women

But than the boy wishes for her to be with him….
So she sees a way out, she can grant the boys wish and make it so that she is nolonger suffering….

Two threads here
One: She rewrites reality and turns her self into the Belldandy we all know completely changing history

Two: She escapes and her identical “good” twin shows up to live with Keiichi, after all the wish did say a “goddess” or “like You”
that is the most whackiest of conspiracy theories i have ever heard! i think it should be you that should be getting help not me! LOL joke.
C'mon It could have happened (don't make me get my death squad)
after reading the replies on this forum, i am persuaded to disband my death squad, some of them now live happy lives raising families, whereas the rest have joined my newly formed Special Anti-Evil Squad or my new Hentai Slayers.

LOL isn't make believe fun! LOL :bg: