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Wed, 19 Mar 2025 20:03
Belldandy Gift

Belldandy's Evil Twin!

Topics Ah! My Goddess Belldandy's Evil Twin!
no no no! Sora Unchained is just the title of a story arc in the Oh My Goddess! manga, so it is still Ah! My Goddess.
Hope that cleared things up a bit! :bg:
Cool, thanks K-1. ^_^

So, we've all seen the evil side of Urd in the manga, but what do you think SKULD'S evil twin would be like??
if we go on the therory that the twin is the oppisite than skuld's would make machines that work
hahahaha! thats a good one! nice joke there!

i think Skulds evil twin would be a complete brat with machines intended for mischievous evil purposes only.
so the only diffrence would be that skuld machines would be for evil, everything else would be the same :bash: (i know it is comming)
Since nobody seems to have answered this question, and I'm the one who uses it the most, an arc is basically a plot thread within a larger story. Ah My Goddess is basically the story of Keiichi and Belldandy and their life together, but sometimes a group of chapters will tell a side story or just highlight a certain event. The main story is still going on, but these chapters, while still part of the overall story, form a story arc.

Examples include the mini-ninjas, Urd being possessed by the Lord of Terror, Skuld falling in love with Sentaro and getting her angel, Banpei falling in love with Sigil, etc.

Dark Horse tried to have one or two of these arcs per TPB (trade paperback), plus a couple of "stand alone" stories. This lead to their numbering system being off, which is why if you bought the Sora Unchain TPB, it was labled as Volume 19/20. It just isn't consistant with how it is published in Japan. I'm also fairly sure they have some of the stories out of place, but I'd have to check to be sure (I know for a fact that they cut out some stories from the first TPB, then went back and released 3 TPBs to cover what they had missed).

Incompitence or devious marketing ploy, you be the judge.

yes youre right, they did miss the initial chapters of the manga and only in the past year or so did they release them in english. It didnt matter to me because i started reading the manga after they were released. Thus i started reading from the beginning.
I don't think it was incompetence or a marketing ploy... I think DH was pandering to the anime censorship standards of the times, which required massive, massive edits. Has anyone seen the *original* Sailor Moon or DBZ? If so, you'll know what I'm talking about. Not only did they edit for content, they also edited for pacing, assuming that only kids were watching/reading the product and had the attention span of a goldfish.
there are times when i think that the majority of the audience outside Japan is not ready for anime. I might sound a bit selfish by saying this but i think i prefer anime to remain a niche hobby. That way its protected from the bad effects of mass commercialisation and trend pressures.
That's the very reason why anime is so expensive. Most DVD movies can be purchased for 20 bucks in the place I live... most anime is 30... supply and demand. I don't love something just because it is weird and unusual. As far as I'm concerned, everyone should watch anime. Belldandy may have said this, but if she didn't, she should "Love shared is love increased."

They way I see it, everyone who *wants to* should watch anime. It was hard for me to get used to it when the anime boom happened, especially at cons. Whereas before it was easy to just walk up to people and make friends, knowing you had the same interests, you could walk up to someone and get laughed at for liking a different genre than they did. But things are leveling out a little now. It's great that so many more shows are being released in America, even if it does make it harder to separate the good from the bad. I just wish people could separate it more from the Disney-esque, cartoons-are-for-kids stigma... If they could, we'd see a lot more animated features in the theaters.
good point on the *wants to* but I have often been caught saying that OMG should be required reading for the Human race

well who wouldn't want to read OMG?
the scumbags of this earth wouldnt read OMG, they'd rather read up on their stupid ways of thinking etc, these sort of people deserve no mercy and i look forward to the day when the heavens shall smite them for their evil ways! :pissed:
Regrettably there are people like that in the world and I can no longer fathom how these people think. Their Ideas terrify me, their actions sadden me and I can only look upon them in sadness

Some other eccentric that happens to an elf
look upon them in sadness!? these kind of people deserves no form of mercy whatsoever!
rascists, fascists, criminals, terrorists etc.. i hate them all! and if im ever in the position and power to do so i will form a secret death squad to "eliminate" them all one by one! :pissed: