Yeah, just another part of the Beatles legend. I think it will be ironic if Paul is the last one to pass on, although I hope that doesn't happen to him or Ringo for a long time...
I'm a big time Beatles fan. I've got almost all their albums on CD (Note to music industry executives... stop switching formats! I've bought the White Album four times, LP, 8 track, cassette, and CD. I'm not buying it again!)
The song Norweigen Wood always makes me think of Belldandy.
Anyway, back to Abbey Road, I think it was their best, since it was the last album they recorded together. They were really on the spot when they made it. It is somewhat fitting that the song "Her Majesty" is the last thing they ever recorded together.
As for starting a thread, go for it. After all, there are two kinds of people in the world, Elvis fans or Beatles fans. I think Belldandy would definitely be a Beatles fan, and a lot of her fans probably are too.