It also happens to be a very deep story on many levels. There are various themes running through it, like being honest with yourself and others, finding a place where you belong, taking responsibility for your actions, and letting go of the past. Some characters suceed better than others, but they are all carrying around baggage.
It says it right at the end: "You're gonna carry that weight." For all of you youngins, that comes from a song by the Beatles (called the Golden Slumbers / Carry That Weight / The End). You won't really get the full significance of the entire series if you're not familiar with the song (the Beatles are HUGE in Japan, so most of their audience was familiar with it). I wish they had used the full quote, since it applies better: "Boy, You're gonna carry that weight, carry that weight a long time." Which is exactly what Spike has done. He's been carrying the burden of his past so long, he can't even see his future, and ultimately looses it. The most appropriate point comes at the end of the song, and it directly applies to all of Cowboy Bebop.
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."